King's Business - 1920-11



that surprised and puzzled John were the surest evidences of Messiahshlp and were the harbingers of the kingdom which John had so faithfully pro­ claimed. Reward is assured to fidelity and Christ pronounced the greatest eulogy upon John that was ever given to mortal man. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24. Luke 7:18-25. A Question and Answer. If Jesus is the Messiah, He will be recognized because He answers ac­ curately to the Scriptural marks of identity given by the prophets. This is the only test. “ To the law and to the testimony.” The Messiah must be born of woman and therefore a man, not an angel. He must be a Jew, not a Gentile. He must come through the tribe of Judah from Isaac and Jacob. He can not *be an Ishmaelite nor an Edomite. He must be of the royal house of David. He must be super- naturally conceived of a virgin mother. He must be “ Immanuel,” “ God with us,” manifest in human flesh. All these things were true of Jesus of Nazareth. Not a single one can be disproved or set aside. His own disciples had every opportunity for judging and they ac­ cepted Him without hesitation or reser­ vation. Their privilege and duty is ours today. THURSDAY, Nov. 25. Luke 11:14-26. A House Divided. The unpardonable sin was committed by the Pharisees who ascribed to Satanic agency the miracles which Jesus wrought through the power of the Holy Spirit. The very desire of taking the first, step Godward'is the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of man. When man cuts himself off from this saving operation there is obviously no help o,r hope for him. This is not a particular sin whose guilt is too great for par­ doning mercy. It is rather burning the only bridge by which man can cross from sin to salvation. The unpardon­ able sin against light is to put out the eye. The unpardonable sin against food is to reiuse to eat. The unpardonable sin against music is to stop the ears. The unpardonable Sin against air is to refuse to breathe.' The unpardonable sin against God is to close the heart against that influence of the Holy Spir­ it that produces repentance and faith. A sinner let alone is as good as damned.

FRIDAY, Nov. 26. Matt. 12:9-14. A Withered Hand. There are sixteen miracles of heal­ ing in the Gospels covering ten varie­ ties of disease. They are all symbolic of sin, the producing cause. Dumbness is inability to talk, lameness inability to walk. The withered hand stands for inability to work. Christ cures them all. It is impossible to talk for Him, walk before Him or work with Him until he has spoken the word of power which turns weakness into strength. Thus a miracle in the body becomes a parable of that greater miracle in the soul. He who works the one is equal to the other. There is no need in hu­ man nature which He is not able to supply. “Without me ye can do noth­ ing.” “ I can do all things through Christ who is my strength.” SATURDAY, Nov. 27. John 6.: 60-70. A Band of Believers. The sixth chapter of John gives a lesson on experience. It begins with a great sign, vvs. 1-15, and continues with some great messages, vvs. 22-65. There is first of all discussion, 22-40, followed by dissatisfaction, 41-51, then there is dissension, 52-59; this is fol­ lowed by defection, 60-66, and the chapter closes with devotion, 67-71, based upon the great conviction. The teaching of Jesus anticipated the re­ cently discovered and approved prin­ ciples and methods of modern peda­ gogy. He invariably practiced the so- called laboratory method. Experience is the test of truth. After He had taught His disciples the principles of the kingdom, He sent them out by themselves to demonstrate and practice. They returned and reported results, overjoyed at their success. “ Lord, even the devils are subject to us, through thy name.” SUNDAY, Nov. 28. Is. 53:1-6. A Man of Sorrows. The prediction element of -Scripture proves its Divine origin and author­ ship. No human insight or foresight Could have drawn the portrait of a suffering Messiah. It was foreign to all expectation and because it was literally fulfilled it became the chief reason for His rejection. Israel was looking for a military hero and an earthly con­ queror who would restore the prestige of the Davidic dynasty and who having thrown off the Roman yoke, would reign in more than Solomonic splendor. It is hard to .understand how the


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