King's Business - 1920-11


THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS commencing with the seminaries and going down the line? You cannot help but smile, can you? __T. C. H. THE Shepkerd Psalm It is good to find a daily paper quoting from a monthly paper the following by James Wallen in ‘ ‘ Printer’s Ink” : Speaking of the Twenty-Third Psalm, he says: “ Promise is the essence of advertising. To my mind the greatest advertise­ ment ever written is the Twenty Third Psalm of David. “ This psalm is all promise. It is undiluted emotion. It gives no reasons why, and yet as Henry Ward Beecher said, ‘It has charmed more griefs to rest than all of the philosophy of the world.’ Most of the great consolations of the human heart do not particularize. . “ Let us remember that man. does not live by the bread of reason alone. He lives partly by the inspirational word. “ We speak of pictures as a power. They are not nearly so potent as a few words of consolation that have gone down the ages. ‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.’ The mere affirmation couched in the language of faith without a shred of explanation suffices all of the needs of the average heart and mind. Now, here is the great secret of emotional writing. There is reason back of it, but the machinery is not revealed.” This is true and well said of the Pearl of Psalms, but it is also true that when you have the good Shepherd Himself speaking as He does in the New Testament and dying as He did as recorded in the New Testament, those facts throw a wonderful meaning and halo upon this Psalm which has comforted and consoled millions of saints on their pilgrim journey through pastures green to the paradise eternal. C. H. T he sem inaries Settle it The Premillenarians might just as well surrender their position and be done with it. We must go out of business. The position we have held is Biblical, no doubt; but the seminaries do not endorse it! A popular preacher in a recent sermon against the Premillennial view of our Lord’s return, among other things, is quoted to have said, “ I once believed and taught this doctrine, Paul evidently believed it, as sug­ gested by his earlier epistles, but says nothing about it in his later ones, and there is not a seminary in the land that teaches it.” You see, we have got to choose between the Bible and. the seminaries and, of course, we could not be expected to stand for the Bible against the marvelous intellectual giants in the seminaries! Just imagine two or three hundred thousand of us with Bibles in our hands daring to confront a couple of hundred of these mighty men who insist upon telling us that the Bible does not mean what it says at all; that the meaning is so deep and mysterious that often it means just the opposite; that when it says, ‘ ‘ Christ will come again,” it means that He never went away and that when it says, “ Behold, I come quickly,” “ Watch, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh,” it does not mean that He is coming; hut that He is here now; and that when it says, “ In the last days perilous times shall come,” and “ Evil men shall wax worse and worse,” it means that the world is getting better every day!

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