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is a topical and alphabetical arrange ment of all Bible stories, enabling one to turn instantly, without the use of a concordance to any incident or import-’ ant theme. This is an excellent book for Christmas gift purposes. History of the Doctrine of Our Lord’s Return This is one of Dr. I. M. Haldeman’s mst valuable productions. It is a com plete historic sketch, gathered with great care from books that most be lievers have no access to. The doctrine of the premillennial return is on his toric grounds established beyond con troversy as Scriptural and sure. A great store of information is packed in a compass of 36 pages, price 25c. Modem Theosophy Theosophy is making great inroads in the churches in many places and few Christian people know of its origin or are able to deal with its subtle teach ings. M. E. Sloan, Editor of The Christian Way Messenger, has brought out an eighty page book (35c) that may be considered one of the most pointed and satisfying treatments of the subject yet produced. The literature of this cult is full of pretentious words, vain wind, senseless and useless, teach ing things that were long ago exposed. It is worse than a waste of time for the Christian to bother with wading into it for the purpose of refuting it. This new book is enough to satisfy anyone as to the Satanic source of Theosophy. What About Evolution? The evolution question is always coming up, and the ordinary Christian has no time to go through the volumin ous works found in the libraries in order to get his ground. Dr. GTiffith- Thomas’ booklet (10c) is a very con cise treatise of the subject and presents the Scriptural argument, as well as some common-sense arguments, that will prove entirely satisfying to any honest seeker. Seven Reasons Why This 5c booklet on the worldly amusement question, by . Harlow W. Parsons has been in circulation for some years, but needs to be constantly
Prophet, Priest and King A remarkable series of sermons was preached in the Church of the Open Door by Dr. Torrey on “ The Real Christ,” following which he preached four sermons of a like character, tak ing up in turn the themes “ Jesus THE Prophet” ; “ Jesus THE Priest” ; “ Jesus THE King” ; “ Jesus THE Wonder” . We believe that these four sermons are among the best that Dr. Torrey has ever given, and all together give a four-fold picture of our Lord Jesus Christ which is unique; taking up the prophetic aspect from the Old Testa ment, including His incarnation, cruci fixion and resurrection; the priestly aspect of our Lord during the present dispensation; the kingly aspect setting forth His reign during the millennial period. The thought of “ Jesus THE Wonder” is taken from the 9th chapter of Isaiah, “ His name shall be called Wonderful” , or as it is in the original, “ Wonder”-, and forms a wonderful cli max to the series. We heartily com mend this book and trust that many of our readers will not only read it, but have some to pass on to people . whose ideas of Christ are immature and faulty by reason of the false views pre sented by many modern preachers and teachers. Ransacking the Scriptures The above is the title of another of Mr. Brooks’ compilations, just from the Institute Press, price 25 cents. While it is a small book, Mr. Brooks has turned out nothing more valuable, and Christians everywhere would find it a wonderful help to carry with them. Following are its contents: Bible rules . for Bible study; Methods of Bible study; alphabetical arrangement of im portant Bible chapters; Number of chapters in each book; Key note of each book; Key verse of each book; Writers and dates of eaeh book; Christ in each book; Outward divisions of the Bible; Spiritual conclusion of each book; Im portant facts about the Bible; Dispen- sational divisions; Proofs of inspira tion; Index of all Bible events. This latter feature alone makes the book worth ten times the price asked. It
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