King's Business - 1920-11


which had so lately filled her heart. Now as the golden hair was dashed across her face he saw his darling dead, sacrificed to duty that he might save that train. When God in glory gave up Christ Jesus to suffer in agony and death on Calvary’s Cross for sinners, He surren­ dered not His only begotten and well- beloved to the call of duty, for we had no such claim upon our God, but He gave Him up just because, in the grandeur of His own right loving heart, He wished to save rebel, fallen, and polluted men and women. This is the love which brought the Lord Jesus Christ to the Cross of suffering and shame, the love which caused Him to send forth into the irresponsive air that awful cry: “ My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” Have you ever thought of that amazing love? Has its power ever fastened on your heart? Have you ever thanked God for such grace and mercy? If not, humbly in His presence now, how "before the sceptre in that pierced hand, and own Him as Saviour and Lord. F. E. MARSH. ^iHiuiiuiiiiiiiHiuiuiiiimiimiiiiiimiminiuiiuiiimuimiiiimiiiiiiuimi^ 1 “The Sure j | Shepherd” | Write for tkis little booklet, tr? James H. | l McConkey. A comforting faith-strengtnen- § 1 ing message for eOery Christian. M Entirely free. Address. = | Silver Publishing Co., Dept. F. 1 Bessemer Building Pittsburgh, Pa. |

Amazing Love OME time ago, a father was beside a river with his little child, a darling of some seven s u mm e r s . Suddenly the thought flashed into his mind that duty summoned him to see that a certain swivel

bridge should span the rushing waters ere the train came down. With desper­ ate earnestness he struggled up hill to accomplish this, for the bridge was open. On, on he toiled, and now as he has just gained the coveted position, a sharp quick cry rings out upon the air. For a moment he listens, then again it comes, that plaintive entreaty; and looking around he sees that his little girl, having fallen into the stream is being carried away with tremendous rapidity. As the first impulse of the parent’s heart prompted him to dash back and save his darling, the shrill whistle of the approaching engine sounded upon his ear. He paused for a moment in a suspense of awful agony. Which should he save, his child or the train? Love pointed here, hut duty there. The latter conquered. Setting his teeth firmly together he dashed on to do the right, and scarcely had the bridge swung to, when the train steamed past, its living freight just saved. Down the steep incline the father re­ turned in eager haste, and reaching forward where a piece of ground jutted out into the stream, he managed to grasp his loved child’s hand and bring her to the shore. But, alas, too late! He gazed into her face, still fresh with the soft flush of youth, and even yet al­ most sparkling with the merriment


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