King's Business - 1920-11

Going to Let This Old Gentleman Hold You Up This Year? DONT DO IT! Make Your Christmas Giving Count for Christ

H ERE’ S the best one yet. To your Christian friends send a J year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS and thus be the means of building them up in the Faith and quickening them to service. Twelve times a year it vJill visit their homes with a message for 365 daj>s. It will onh? cost you $1 (in U . S.) and it’s the easiest shopping you can do. O u r C h r is tm a s P rem ium With every two subscriptions we will give a copy of “Ran­ sacking the Scriptures” , a marvelous little book of Bible helps— a compilation of Bible facts arranged for reference, beautifully bound, printed on fine paper—a •'Pery attractive gift in itself. We will mail the books to any address. Make Out Your Christmas List Earlj) We will send subscriptions, with gift card bearing the donor s name, on an$ date specified.


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