Are You Hungry, Too? I’m hungry for something fine just to read on the Sunday school lesson each week. I study hard, o f course, but I want something that ‘carries me along.’ I want perspective and inspiration. I want a sum ming up the big things in each lesson, done by a- master o f spiritual discernment, and— well, you understand—by someone whose English is as rich and meaningful in writing as Jowett’s is in preaching.” That’s the way a business man Sunday school teacher frankly puts it. He has his answer! Britain’s greatest devotional writer ’otio l riter brings to him every week, and to thousands o f others like him, the Sunday school les- son s richest spiritual truths in a setting of faultless literary finish —just to read. Immense humanity, elusive humor playing over everything, bold pictorial language, pithy expression and virile energy combine to make up a style naive and racy, but sweetened always and even sublimated by a wonderful' spirituality.” Christians everywhere who know his work are thanking God for Dr. Smellie. You will, as soon as you have become acquainted with him. .The simplest way is to make use at once o f our Get-Acquainted” offer by which many thousands have come to know The Sunday School Times, with its dozen or more trained specialists writing for you on the,study and teaching o f the International Improved Uniform Lessons. In return for the full name and address o f one o f your fellow workers who does not yet take the paper, we will send you a little 8-page bio graphical sketch of
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A 1 Dr. Alexander Smellie ^ vJfGQt OIDIG 1 001 in JwM Warn . iLjdMii, by topic and Bible text, the best you read in books, and flies clippings almost automatically. THE KING’S BUSINESS—May. 1919, pp. 424 i°*djance of any other system we know of for Slnts^tt to locat® material he wants when he REV. KEITH L. BROOKS, of the Bible Institute ✓ r~ V 0 * 1 1 ' T '
'T am using this index and would not know how to ^°?.® without it. There is nothing to compare DR. GRIFFITH THOMAS* thWy"flIe years I tried aU sorts of plana T us* Wilson’s Index with such •atisfaotlon that I bid others to go and do likewise.* ** We send the Index on approval. Send for circulars. W IL S O N IN D EX C O M P A N Y B o x x E a s t H a d d a m , C o n n . S33 review in The King’s Business May 1919, P. 4 24 TH E R IGH T W A Y TO ADVERTISE YOUR CHURCH a” d R eligion o f Jesus C hrist is to publish t “ e 5w °rd o f the Spirit, w hich is the W ord o f God. A rtistic posters, 21 feet 9 inches by y v e t T^4 1Jlches> w ith Scripture texts, $2.50 each. P osters w ith a different text each m onth. W rite for m iniatures. P osters now . ready. C ount the people passin g you r ch urch w ho w ould read a poster. F ree R eligiou s Feature S ervice for new spapers w ith space for ch urch n oitces. T he m atrices for this service w ill be furnished free to any new spaper that w ill publish them every Satur day. Size 4 colum ns w ide by 12 inches deep. W rite for copy. C ount the colum ns given to religious new s in you r daily paper for a w eek and com pare w ith politics, sports, finance, ad vertisem ents. . L iberal con tributions have m ade it possible to reduce the price o f posters and offer new s paper service free. Religious Advertising Association
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