Nilkamal Solution For Retail Industry

The profitability of a Retail Chain is directly impacted by the costs of its logistics. Thus, the Distribution Centre (DC) of any retail chain assumes critical importance. Costly space demands storage solutions that maximize storage density without compromising ease of storage and retrieval.


We Protect your product Increase your storage Improve your Labor Productivity While enhancing Safety, Hygiene, & Ergonomics


The profitability of a Retail Chain is directly impacted by the costs of its logistics. Thus, the Distribution Centre (DC) of any retail chain assumes critical importance. Costly space demands storage solutions that maximize storage density without compromising ease of storage and retrieval. Total synergy between vendors of all systems thus makes a vital difference to the efficiency of a Distribution Centre. What you need is a single point solutions provider -THE one stop shop for material handling solutions. Think Nilkamal. We have solutions covering the entire algorithm of material handling. The application specialists at Nilkamal can help you plan a perfectly customized storage and retrieval solution at every Distribution Centre with total synergy in all applications used. Nilkamal Storage Systems, will plan your storage systems specifically tailored to the product categories and logistics handled by the Distribution Centre. Universal Storage Systems , Pallet Storage Systems , Order Picking Live Systems will be designed as per your requirements. State of the art AS / RS and AV / RS systems are also available. Our Material Handling Equipments Division provides the handling machinery ranging from Hand Pallet trucks to Forklifts, Reach Trucks. Narrow Aisle Trucks and Aerial Order Pickers to best utilize the storage space. As for the crates that would store the goods and pallets on which they would be stacked or moved. Nilkamal an ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company, offers you India's widest range. With 7 plants across the length and breadth of India: backed by 43 offices and 35 warehouses. Nilkamal is obviously the vendor of choice for your Retail Chain.

Model : CH85425 (Giant Crate) O.D. : 810 (L) X 568 (B) X 425 (H) mm. I.D. : 763 (L) X 521 (B) X 410 (H) mm. For storing & carrying material

Model : MWC8050530-4L O.D. : 800 (L) X 500 (B) X 530 (H) mm. I.D. : 760 (L) X 460 (B) X 400 (H) mm. Big size models also available with and without runners on request.

Metalic Cages used for Storage, Warehousing & Logistics

Model : MPCRC11801700 O.D. : 1100 (L) X 800 (B) X 1700 (H) mm. I.D. : 1030 (L) X 760 (B) X 1500 (H) mm. Capacity : 500 kgs. Hot Dip Galvanised aslo available

Metalic Roll Cages used for Storage, Warehousing & Logistics

Abbreviations : O.D. : Outside Dimensions I.D. : Inside Dimensions CH : Closed with Handle MWC : Metallic Wire Cage 2R : 2 Runners 4L : 4 Legs (All Dimensions & Capacities are Approximate)


Nilkamal Plastic pallets are used for Display, Storage & Movement of products. It is made of food grade plastic hence hygienic and durable than the wooden pallets. Nilkamal Pallets not only meet environmental & economical considerations but it has also contributed in improved storage system, product distribution efficiency, product protection & enhanced human safety. Following are their special fetaures : • Consistent in shape & dimensions • Light-weight yet strong & durable • Prevents microbial growth • Does not absorb water or liquids. • Performance does not degrade by commonly used chemicals, solvents and cleaning agents • Anti-slip prevents slipping of the load in handling and on racks • Easy to clean and handle.

Model : EP1210 O.D. : 1200 (L) X 1000 (B) X 140 (H) mm. Ideal for low-weight products, storing & display of products

Model : SP1010 O.D. : 1000 (L) X 1000 (B) X 130 (H) mm. Ideal for shop-floor handling, storage & flexible logistic systems in all sectors.

Model : RP1210 O.D. : 1200 (L) X 1000 (B) X 160 (H) mm Roto Moulded Pallet available with and without rack lock. Hygienic and ideal pallet for storage systems and shop-floor handling

Abbreviations : O.D. : Outside Dimensions RP : Roto Pallets (All Dimensions & Capacities are Approximate)

BACK END SOLUTIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION CENTRES Material Handling Equipments are made from exceptionally strong but light weight steel consuctions with standard epoxy coat finish.


Model : NK25 / NK20 / NK10 Capacity : 2500 / 2000 / 1000 kgs



Capacity (kg.)

3200 2900 3600 4600 5500 6000 4600 Lift Height (mm.)


1200 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500

MODEL : NK15E / NK25E/ NK30E Capacity : 1500 / 2500 / 3000 kgs. Lift Height : 3600 / 3000 / 4500 / 6000 mm.

MULTI-TIER STORAGE SYSTEMS : generally used for storage & order picking of non-palletized goods, bins, cartons or other storage units containing small parts & components & for bulk storage. Advantages

• Very good surfacer / height utilization • Optimum utilization of storage volume • Simultaneous order picking on several tiers. • Good height utlization multiplies available storage space. • Boltless assembly of all basic components • Full length frames - no joining plates required. • Boltless adjustment of all platforms allows flexible positioning of levels. • Sale and convenient stairways secured by railing.

ABBREVIATIONS : NKE : Nilkamal Electric Forklift NKES : Nilkamal Electric Stacker FFL : Full Free Lift (All Dimensions & Capacities are Approximate)


PALLET STORAGE SYSTEMS The standard solution for pallet storage systems is a configuration with broad aisles. Servicing is generally done with electric stackers, reach trucks or forklifts. The floor level can be conveniently serviced with hand pallet truck or an electric pallet truck. Advantages : • Multiplication of storage surface by multi-tier or highbay storage systems. • Lower investment costs into real estate & buildings as compared to storage at floor level height. • Suited for a high stock rotation frequency. • Direct access to all bays (reference lines) = easy and convenient order picking. • Fast adaption to changing reference lines without the need of exchanging your service fleet.



UNIVERSAL STORAGE SYSTEMS Ideal system for storage, mounting & bolt together assembly. Can be used product display.


• Quick & easy to assemble. • Low Cost System. • Good utilization of warehouse volume. nonce more

storage capacity in loss volume. • Direct access to all references.

• Very good overview due to clear product presentation • Can be integrated into almost any storage environment. • Increased load capacity due to corner plates. • Platforms can be conveniently re-adjusted on a 25 mm. pitch. • Extension bays can be added whenever required.

FRONT END SOLUTIONS FOR RETAIL CHAINS Nilkamal offers a comprehensive range for product handling, storage and display for Super Markets. Hyper Markets and Retail Chains. Here, we present our range of solutions for the front end.

Model : SBTR50WH SHOPPING BASKET (Trolley version) Top Dimension OD : 557 (L)x 392 (W) Bottom Dimension OD : 420 (L) x 270 (W) Capacity : 52 Ltrs

MODEL : SB25 SHOPPING BASKET (with handle) O.D. : 443 (L) X 335 (B) 277 (H) mm. I.D. : 392 (L) X 282 (B) 265 (H) mm.

Shopping Basket used to pick up required products from the display racks & carry it to the cash counter.

MODEL : JBC64120 O.D. : 600 (L) X 400 (B) 120 (H) mm. I.D. : 565 (L) X 365 (B) 115 (H) mm.

MODEL : JBC64160 O.D. : 600 (L) X 400 (B) 160 (H) mm. I.D. : 565 (L) X 365 (B) 155 (H) mm.

MODEL : JBC64200 O.D. : 600 (L) X 400 (B) 200 (H) mm. I.D. : 565 (L) X 365 (B) 195 (H) mm.

Benefits of Plastic Crates for Display & Transportation of Fruits & Vegetables : Perforation : The crates are perforated which ensures freshness of fruits & vegetables for a longer time. Display : The filled crates can be kept at the point of purchase for the customer from where the sale takes place & also gives an aesthetic look.

Transparent Crate Drawer

MODEL : FPOCRATE25 O.D. : 230 (L) X 150 (B) 125 (H) mm. Effective Height : 55 mm.

MODEL : ECC12 Box size : 230 (L) X 164 (B) X 154 (H) mm. Drawer Size : 149 (L) X 72 (B) X 31 (H) mm.

To store and display medicines , syringes & other items

ABBREVIATIONS : SB : Shopping Basket JBC : Jali Bottom Closed O.D. : Outside Dimensions I.D. : Inside Dimensions FPO : Front Partly Opne ECC : Electronic Conveyance Crate (All Dimensions & Capacities are Approximate)


O.D. : 500 (L) X 335 (B) X 303 (H) mm. I.D. : 390 (L) X 275 (B) X 255 (H) mm. Model : RIC25LTRWT ( Without Tap & Vending Lid)


For keeping fast food & bakery items warm or cool like veg. rolls, burgers, pastries, samosas etc, in Insulated Ice Boxes

O.D. : 750 (L) X 480 (B) X 380 (H) mm. I.D. : 683 (L) X 415 (B) X 290 (H) mm.

MODEL : RFLB1001 Free Stand Litter Bin Top O.D. : 500 (L) X 500 (B) mm. Bottom O.D. : 350 (L) X 350 (B) mm. Effective Height : 700 mm. Two Height with Lid : 920 mm. Capacity : 100 Litres

MODEL : RFLB1001 Pole Mounted Bin Top O.D. : 312 (L) X 312 (B) mm. Bottom O.D. : 250 (L) X 250 (B) mm. Effective Height : 800 mm. Capacity : 50 Litres

MODEL : RFLB100L2SWNGLID Swinging Lid Litter Bin Top O.D. : 500 (L) X 500 (B) mm. Bottom O.D. : 350 (L) X 350 (B) mm. Effective Height : 700 mm. Two Height with Lid : 920 mm. Capacity : 100 Litres

MODEL : WB120L1 Two Wheeled Waste Bin O.D. : 550 (L) X 480 (B) X 960 (H) mm. Capacity : 120 Litres

ABBREVIATIONS : RIC : Roto Insulated Crate RFLB : Roto Free Stand Litter Bin SWNG : Swinging Lid WB : Waste Bin O.D. : Outside Dimensions I.D. : Inside Dimensions (All Dimensions & Capacities are Approximate)

Disclaimer: Specification can be changed without prior notification. Images of equipment and accessories shown may differ from the actual equipment.

Head Office: Nilkamal Limited Nilkamal House, Plot No.77 & 78, Street No.14, M.I.D.C, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400093

Toll Free Number: 1800 890 9115 Email:

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