June 2024 OnSite


on traditional advertising methods and could benefit from a fresh approach. Many of these companies don’t have their own in- house marketing, either due to lack of time or resources, so I believe it’s important to offer them support from people who

know the industry. To expand on these efforts, I joined Metro’s Sales and Marketing Committee. I was thrilled when they invited me to speak about “Building Your Brand on LinkedIn” to industry professionals. What advice would you give construction companies looking to enhance their digital marketing and sales strategies? From the start, I’d say that strategy and cadence is key — having a plan in place and establishing something that is repeatable for providing results. When you’re trying to nurture prospective clients, you need to stay at the forefront in as many ways as possible. Whether it’s through email campaigns, video, social media, or website content, there are many ways to put yourself in front of prospects and set yourself up for success. You can’t just throw money at something and hope it works — it’s crucial to start with a strategy and maintain consistent efforts to grow it.

Years in the business: 4 Having already established a career in construction sales, what led you to start Double Play Agency? It began as a side project during the pandemic, operating more like a consulting business back when everything

was shut down. We started working with different clients and what I discovered was the opportunity to fill a special niche in the industry for companies that didn’t have marketing and sales support in-house. That’s where Double Play would come in, building on a client’s strong word-of-mouth reputation and expanding their brand and business, whether through their own website, email outreach, or social channels. There are a lot of digital marketing agencies out there. What sets yours apart? I believe our organic, grassroots strategy sets us apart. Many agencies rely heavily on advertising; we focus on what gives a client the best return on investment while aligning with their goals. Our happiest clients are those who previously spent lots of money on paid media methods like Google Ads — and now no longer need to. When you rely on paid strategies for your marketing, you’re essentially competing against other big-name brands in your industry without much of an advantage. We come in with a strategic, personalized campaign geared toward clients’ target markets to help them grow. Why is it important for construction companies to embrace digital marketing and sales in today’s market? It’s the new reality now, even in a traditionally word-of-mouth industry like construction, where a prospective client is highly likely to look you up online. If you don’t have a digital presence, primarily a website and social media channels, you’re already behind the 8-ball. It’s crucial for companies in today’s rapidly evolving online world to highlight productivity, showcase their exquisite work, provide a peak into company culture, and take other measures that enhance their business persona throughout the digital realm. Why do you think it’s important to get involved with organizations like Metro? We’ve established Double Play through building and maintaining relationships within the industry. Initially, I didn’t have a huge stronghold in the market, so I became involved in several networking groups and associations. Organizations like Metro have helped us connect with similar businesses that may still rely

What do you envision for the future of our industry, from a marketing and sales perspective? There are a few things, starting with the growing importance of video. We’re currently in a highly visual era where video content possesses great significance as a form of engagement. It’s important to cultivate your brand through behind-the- scenes footage, project walkthroughs, and other engaging content that effectively depicts your company’s work and story. We like to think of ourselves as storytellers, and video is arguably the best way to humanize our clients while still showcasing their skills and unique value propositions. Next, I’d say, is an emphasis on personalization. Many contractors and subcontractors do similar types of work. Visually highlighting what makes a business unique, through


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