Board Converting News, May 27, 2024

Vanguard (CONT’D FROM PAGE 18)

world, offering the most comprehensive convergence of resources and insights in the corrugated and folding car- ton industries. This year’s educational program focuses on emerging technologies and next-generation business practices, equipping attendees with the tools needed to chart a path into the future. The AICC Production Forum: Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Production Floor, 8:00 a.m. to noon EST on Sep- tember 10-11, is a specially curated production forum that will explore the groundbreaking impact of AI in the pa- per-based packaging industry. This is your opportunity to be at the forefront of tech- nological innovation, learning how AI can transform every- day operations to boost efficiency, enhance quality con- trol, and revolutionize your production strategies. Whether you’re looking to refine your process flow with predictive analytics or optimize your supply chain management, this forum will provide valuable insights and practical applica- tions to take your manufacturing capabilities to the next level. Attendees will learn from Gokul Gopakumar, Vice Pres- ident of Technology and Business Development at SUN Automation Group, and Mohamed Azzouz, Continuous Im- provement Manager at Royal Containers Ltd. A separate registration is required to attend the Forum. To register and learn more about the Forum and the other educational opportunities at SuperCorrExpo, visit super- .

alize the best merchandising programs for their require- ments,” said Chris Cummings, Executive Vice President of Sales. The Bentonville Sales and Design office of Vanguard Companies offers a comprehensive range of services, in- cluding sales, design, program management, and digital printing, all under one roof. This consolidated approach enables the company to help its clients drive innovation, reduce program costs, create brand value, gain market share, and enhance in-store merchandising effectiveness. According to Jim Beard, CEO of Vanguard Company, Vanguard is committed to making continuous investments in its commercial organization by prioritizing the growth of high-performing teams, capabilities, operations, and best-in-class customer experience. “The Bentonville team is an integral part of our successful growth strategy. We are excited to continue to invest in talent and resources to expand our commitment to this region,” he said. TAPPI/AICC SuperCorrExpo 2024 To Feature AI Production Forum TAPPI/AICC SuperCorrExpo will take place September 8-12 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. This event draws industry experts from around the


May 27, 2024

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