Board Converting News, May 27, 2024

Drive Sales With Demand Generation BY BILL LINK

AIR CONVEYING CORPORATION is a recognized leader in the industry of Pneumatic Conveying Systems and has been in business since 1968. As an equipment manufacturer rather than simply a sales organization, we have complete control over the quality of material and products which make up your proposed system. Our equipment is found in Printing, Folding Carton and Corrugated plants throughout the country and the world.

The packaging industry has always relied on field sales to drive business, and that isn’t likely to change anytime soon. What has changed, though, is buyer behavior. Has your sales strategy kept up? Traditional sales methods, while still pivotal, no longer

suffice on their own. Gone are the days of your sales rep being a cus- tomer’s best source of information about your (and your competitor’s) products. Most buyers now prefer conducting extensive online research before ever speaking with a sales rep. The rise of digital research, evolv-

Bill Link

ing buyer behaviors, and intensified global competition demand a reimagined approach. Enter demand genera- tion marketing, a strategy poised to not only complement but significantly enhance the effectiveness of sales teams. Forces Of Change • Technology and Digitalization: The advent of CRM sys- tems and analytics has revolutionized lead manage- ment but also raised buyer expectations for personal- ized engagement.

AIR CONVEYING CORPORATION PH: 901-454-5016 FAX: 901-324-7979 e-mail: •



May 27, 2024

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