Board Converting News, May 27, 2024

Drupa Cube Will Offer Show Attendees Glimpse Of Future BY GREG KISHBAUGH Visitors interested in learning about megatrends in international busi- ness, innovations in smart packaging and strategies for the circular economy will find information in the drupa cube where thought leaders

Amherst Label Adds Third Domino Press

Amherst Label, an Inovar company, located in Milford, New Hampshire, has added its third Domino N610i digital UV inkjet, with the installation of their second MPS EF SYMJET ‘powered by Domino’ hybrid press in Febru- ary 2024. “We have 55 full-time employees and we’ve added 250 new customers in the last two years,” said Nye Hornor, President of Am- herst Label. “Today, we have four flexo press- es, one Domino N610i digital roll-to-roll, and two MPS-Domino (flexo/digital) hybrids.”

will present and discuss the future of the printing and packaging indus- try and the trends that impact it. With more than 50 sessions, the drupa cube will be the central con- ference forum at the drupa 2024 trade fair, taking place from May 28 – June 7, 2024 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The cube will open on the first day of drupa at 11:15 am with a key- note from Vicky Pryce, an international economic analyst. She will ex- amine global economic trends and future forecasts. She will provide insights into the economic challenges and opportunities facing us and discuss how companies of all sizes can remain adaptable and develop and maintain a growth mindset in uncertain times. Pryce is Chief Eco- nomic Advisor at the renowned Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) and Professor at BCU and King’s College London. The Business Booster sessions at the cube will present insights into business development and management. In his presentation about the printing industry in the digital age, Mr. Ogawa, President and CEO of Epson, will provide his insights into the present and future of the in- dustry and talk about the growing importance of sustainable solutions. New industry standards in automation will be the core theme for Ger- shon Alon, Head of Software Solutions, HP Indigo. In the cube, he will

“Several years ago we started to see more versioning, more SKUs, more specialty labels, shorter runs,” said Katie Putnam, Prepress & Digital Print Supervisor. “Customers were looking for higher quality.” Amherst Label’s first digital press was the Domino N610i digital UV inkjet label press, in- stalled in July 2016, followed by its first MPS EF SYMJET ‘powered by Domino’ hybrid press in March 2021. A driving factor for adding the MPS-Dom- ino hybrid was not only needing additional capacity, but the desire to print and convert in a single pass, all inline, while being able to add embellishments, varnishes, cold foil, and more. President Nye Hornor and Prepress & Digital Print Supervisor Katie Putnam.



May 27, 2024

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