Board Converting News, May 27, 2024


The Perfect Combo Get Peak Performance From Your Equipment with Matched Component Sets

talk about the future of automated print production. With complex, labor-intensive processes, limited capacity and long delivery times, Gershon Alon will address the need to automate the entire production line beyond the press. Thirty years ago, software had a different status than it does today, where it is practically impossible to exist without an online presence. Bart van der Horst, CEO of iChannel, will explain in the drupa cube how to reliably manage and scale a business against the backdrop of the Digital Age. Dscoop Executive Director Peter van Teeseling will lead a session highlighting the full potential of communities for business. The focus will be on strategies for effective net- working and building partnerships in the printing industry for future mutual success. Retaining Staff How to attract and retain staff will be the topic of Charles Jarrold, CEO of the British Printing Industries Federation, looking at the core elements of an effective apprenticeship program and key learnings from the BPIF’s experience. Marcus Timson co-founder of FuturePrint, will speak in the drupa cube about the crucial role storytelling can play in business growth and how compelling narratives can help build trust for companies and inspire action from customers. Frazer Chesterman, the other co-founder of FuturePrint, will also host a Business Booster session on how to generate ideas and launch new innovations. Enrico Barboglio, General Manager at ACIMGA, and Sara Alexander, Marketing & Communication Manager Flexible Packaging at Bobst, will focus on the role of sub- strates in marketing. The session is geared in particularly at print professionals who want to support brand owners in their search for new approaches and innovative ideas. Kellie Northwood, CEO of Australian Visual Media As- sociation, will explain how print and packaging suppliers can increase market share and revitalize sales as a “trust- ed advisor” and consultant to their clients. In the cube’s circular economy/sustainability sessions, experts will provide practical, actionable advice on the big- gest issue of our times. On the first day, for example, Mark Fabisch (Bertelsmann), Lisa Faratro (CPI) and Beatrice Klose (Intergraf) will discuss how best to calculate the car- bon footprint of print products. Yujing Pan, an expert Product Compliance in Asian mar- kets at Enhesa, will discuss the environmental regulations and compliance landscape with environmental and prod- uct standards for printing and packaging production in Asian countries. The focus on regulatory requirements will be continued by Jonathan Graham, Chairman of the Sus- tainable Green Printing Partnership, who will host a panel (including Yujing and keynote speaker Dr. Calvin Lakhan) to discuss strategies for effectively navigating environ- mental regulations.

Nothing’s more rewarding than a couple made for each other.

That’s why the engineers at ARC International have focused their skills and talents on crafting perfect matches between the components that must work in tandem on your flexo folder gluers and die-cutters: • Anilox Rollers and Ink Chambers • Anilox and Wiper Rollers • Feed and Pull Rollers • Glue and Meter Rollers You can achieve the press speeds and print quality you need to fill your most demanding orders by pairing your team with The ARChitects of Flexo . Contact ARC today to learn how these engineered matches of flexo folder gluer and die-cutter components (new or reconditioned) can help you achieve a more perfect union of production and profits.

The ARChitects of Flexo

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May 27, 2024

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