Board Converting News, August 8, 2022

NAM’s Emergency Response Committee Provides Manufacturing Resources To Ukraine The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Emergency Response Committee, a volunteer NAM staff-led committee working to provide manufacturing leaders resources and real-time information before, during and after a crisis, is providing specific information and resources about the unfolding crisis in Ukraine. The NAM team is getting real-time up- dates on humanitarian activities and needs on the ground as they evolve.

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Project HOPE, an international health care and disaster relief orga- nization that the NAM has increasingly engaged in recent months on how manufacturers can respond to international disasters, has mobilized emergency response teams in both Ukraine and in neighboring coun- tries, focused on providing health and humanitarian assistance to both internally displaced persons and refugees. Project HOPE has identified a list of key health supplies urgently needed on the ground: • Primary health care supplies • Trauma and wound care supplies • Hygiene kits • Personal protective equipment The NAM’s domestic emergency response partner, Good360, work- ing in the region with additional global partners, has identified further supplies needed to support relief efforts: sleeping bags, tents, nonper- ishable foods, relief mattresses, blankets, toiletries and generators. Additional Organizations that are helping to provide support include: • U.S. Agency for International Development • Center for Disaster Philanthropy • American Red Cross • Save the Children • United Help Ukraine • Hope for Ukraine • World Central Kitchen Assisting With Refugee Resettlement Refugee resettlement in the United States is coordinated among mul- tiple agencies and groups, including U.S. government officials from mul- tiple agencies, state officials and agencies, nongovernmental organiza- tions at the national and local level and other actors. Visit to see the website of the United Nations High Com- missioner for Refugees and its page on U.S. Resettlement Partners, as well as a link to resettlement agencies and organizations in your specific area. Further assistance and information can be found through UNHCR. 14 August 8, 2022

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