Reframing Value (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1)
People | Knowledge | Software | Services
There are things you most likely do for your company every day that you consider SOP and obvious. For most new entrepreneurs, some of these pieces of common knowledge are not always so common. No matter how small the process, take the time to set up a process docu- ment that catalogs what you do, how you measure it, and what your standard results are. When it comes to value, having a proprietary process that demonstrates easily re- peatability is gold for a potential buyer. Contacts make your company known: If you go beyond sales and revenue in your company, the next best source of income and business are your company contacts. By having a large pool of contacts (different from purchased lists), you have a community of individuals who know and respect you as well as your company. This list goes be- yond a B2B engagement. Each individual can provide in- troductions, be a champion for work, and give your organi- zation a foot in the door of a potential client. Many companies forget their community and the way in which those contacts within their business provide assis- tance, new project work, and reputation building every day for those companies. The contacts can bring in consistent sales through referrals. These contacts become champi- ons for your company’s growth, and growth equates to revenue. Increased revenue is a clear value-add.
An Advantive Company
driving Industry 4.0 initiatives Market leading software for corrugated manufacturers
Front Office Enterprise Sales Processing Costing and Pricing Messaging and Portals Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Dashboards and Analysis Tools Manufacturing Corrugator Scheduling Automated Scheduling Corrugator and Converting Production Control and Shop Floor Quality Management
Talent makes your company resource-rich: Whether you have employees, subcontractors or freelancers, that talent pool of team members can go through a rubric and be evaluated at the end of each project to make sure they are bringing value to your company and your clients. Companies today can also leverage talent across the globe, so that your team members can include some of the best and brightest minds from anywhere they are locat- ed. You may need reminders that if you want to see value in that talent pool, you have to remove yourself from that pool. Your job, on top of running day-to-day operations, is to grow your company and bring in amazing talent to do the work. This is the hardest idea to implement, but the real value lies in the team you build to serve your clients. CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
Intelligent Machinery Connectivity Productivity/Performance Displays WIP and FGS Load Tags Inventory and Logistics Supply Chain Management Roll Stock Management and Sourcing WIP and FGS Tracking Material Management Procurement and Inventory Control Truck/Transport Scheduling
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