HFL 11x17_Trim Away Pain with Ergonomic Gardening Tools

Fun & Games SUDOKU

Healthy Recipe: Miracle Red Juice

The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.

INGREDIENTS • 2 large beets • 4 long carrots • 2 apples • 6 celery stalks • 2 limes or STRENGTHENS • Immunity

lemons • 2 tsp flour • 2 inches of Ginger

• Kidneys • Pancreas • Digestive Tract

• Eyes • Liver • Spleen

INSTRUCTIONS Preparebeets,carrots,apples,celery, limes(or lemons)andgingerby chopping into smaller pieces before placing into a juicer. As the skin ofabeet ispackedwithantioxidantsandnutrients, it isrecommended to leave the skin on the beet. Beet skin and lemon peel (if using) havestrongflavors,soyoucouldalsopreparehalfwithskinandhalf peeled to adjust to the flavor, or simply peel all if preferred. Apples canbeanycolororvariety.Donotpeeltheginger,whichyouwilladd to taste as ginger can be spicy. After all ingredients are added to the juicer, blend until juiced and smooth. Drink juice as soon as possible to obtain all benefits of the antioxidants and nutrients. Miracle Red Juice can be absorbed more easily on an empty stomach. Drink one glass every other day or as needed.


Hand Exercise Helps With Weakness and Pain

Patient Spotlight




“The one thing I regret is not going in earlier.” “ I had a workplace injury: too much repetitive vibration for using a Sawzall and a concrete cutting saw. The friendly therapist JoAnn Keller recognized the problem and set about solving it with a series of hand therapy and exercises. The one thing I regret is not going in earlier.” - C. W.


Rest your forearm on a surface for support so that your wrist hangs over the edge. Hold your palm and knuckles with your other hand and relax the tips of your fingers. Gently bend the wrist of the grasped hand upwards using your other hand.Your fingers can remain bent while doing so. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.

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