
much information is provided on the site? Are there testimonials and reviews? Is the company active online, on LinkedIn, on the forums? These are all some questions that one should ask and research. Additionally, because real estate is a relation- ship-intensive industry, I encourage investors to pick up the phone and call the company and speak to its representatives! You don’t want to be shep- herded solely through a website or form. Eventu- ally, you’ll wonder why real estate lending wasn’t always done that easily, but to begin with, strike up a relationship. With competitive rates and no hid- den or junk fees, crowdfunding is a viable option for real estate entrepreneurs looking to scale and grow their businesses. •

When selecting a marketplace lending platform, real estate investors should do their due dili- gence to ensure they are working only with highly reputable, well-funded and transparent platforms that are building their business ethically and with the use of technology. It is easy to create a website and add words like “crowdfunding” or “market- place lending,” but the truth is that the operations of the underlying company—and its leadership— are two defining factors that will help investors un- derstand whether they want to build a relationship with that company. That being said, it is always advisable to do some research on that company online. Is the company considered a leader? How long has it been in exis- tence? Who makes up the management team? How


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and greater potential for diversification—some- thing we at RealtyShares believe is key. Track record is also very important. On average, investors on the RealtyShares platform reinvest eight times a year, often across a diverse set of borrowers and sponsors. Our investors like to learn as much about each borrower or sponsor as possible. As such, inves- tors have responded to platforms with a high level of transparency, a diverse set of opportunities and a team that is equipped with the knowledge and experience to underwrite opportunities and spon- sors appropriately. •

There are many admirable online platforms al- ready making their mark in the real estate invest- ment community, with additional platforms on the horizon as regulations continue to evolve. Even in an industry that is still finding its footing, there are many options available to real estate investors. RealtyShares finds that its investors place high value on asset type, investment type and geogra- phy. Real estate investors demand a wide selec- tion, with the supporting information required to make informed decisions. A diverse deal flow that ranges across debt and equity investments and residential and commercial properties with a national footprint will offer investors more options


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