12A — April 26 - May 9, 2013 — Owners, Developers & Managers — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
S ervices & S uppliers
By Lewis Sulovski, American Boiler Company Boiler Cleaning - Eliminate stress, avoid the rush
various ways such as corro- sion, leaks, noises, defects, and soot build-up, especially when regular maintenance is not conducted. Worn-down boilers equate to low efficiency as a result of slower heat trans- fers, which ultimately affect the overall productivity of the machine and its performance. To avoid physical and financial consequences of boiler wear and tear, it is vital to conduct an annual spring boiler clean- ing, which in turn, will save the company a significant amount in terms of repair or replace-
ment costs during the busy boiler season. Annual boiler cleaning is a priority, not only for op- erational efficiency, but for the safety of building personnel as well. Industrial boilers that go un-serviced for long periods of time can lead to hazards such as fire, explosion, pollution, and exposure to toxic gases such as carbon monoxide. These situations are easily prevented with regular inspec- tion and testing. An annual boiler cleaning offers several advantages to a
company. By taking care of boiler needs in the spring months, facility personnel and inspectors have more time to thoroughly exam- ine the boilers before the heat- ing season begins. Should any problems be detected, ample time will be available to correct them. Boiler repairs often re- quire new parts to be ordered, which can pose a problem in the heating months, should the part be out of stock. With spring boiler cleaning, stress- ful and unnecessary situations like this one can be avoided. In addition, scheduling a boiler cleaning appointment during boiler season can be complicated. Instead of being restricted by time constraints and availability of the inspec- tors, multiple appointments can be set up in the spring, without compromising the quality of the inspection. For years, American Boiler Company has been in the forefront in promoting safe and highly functioning boil- ers through its installation and maintenance services. These offerings include spring discount boiler services in or- der to provide customers the same satisfaction at a more affordable cost. Not only can customers save up by availing this special offer, they can also have an easier and faster time setting amuch-needed appoint- ment during this time of year. To take advantage of Ameri- can Boiler Company’s spring boiler cleaning prices, contact us now. Lewis Sulovski is a sales manager at The American Boiler Company. n Schlouch to prepare site for Highridge Penske expansion Pottsvi lle , PA — Schlouch Inc. has been named by L&K Construction to pro- vide sitework for expansion of a Penske commercial trucking facility on Keystone Blvd. Schlouch is providing clear- ing, grubbing, survey, stake- out, sediment/erosion control, earthwork, sanitary and storm sewers, water line installation, building pad and seeding. Doug Gable is Schlouch’s site coordinator and Steve Bill- man is project manager/estima- tor. Work will be completed in July 2013. n
standard procedure for a com- pany to ensure that operational interruptions are prevented boiler cleaning in particular is recommended for commercial boilers, since disruption to op- erations can mean significant loss of income when boiler breakdowns and accidents oc- cur. Why is it so important to conduct an annual boiler clean- ing? Over the years, boilers, much like any other type of equip- ment, can deteriorate. Dete- rioration manifests itself in
nnual boiler clean- ing is a priority, not only for operational
efficiency, but for the safety o f bui lding personnel as well.” Industrial boiler main- tenance re- quires dili- g e n c e a n d
Lewis Sulovski
planning ahead to ensure smooth sailing throughout the year. That’s why proper boiler maintenance is considered a
BEAT THE RUSH REAP THE SAVINGS Sign up for your annual boiler service now and take advantage of our Early Bird Discounts
24 Hour Emergency Service Serving NJ & NYC
636 S. 21st St Irvington, NJ 07111
973-923-1999 973-923-1099 info@americanboilercompany.com
For more information on Annual Boiler Services visit: www.AmericanBoilerCompany.com
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