
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Shopping Centers — April 26 - May 9, 2013 — 15B


Retailer/ Franchisee

Square Footage Requirements

Additional Requirements

Contact Information

Areas Seeking

Type of Center

Community strip center, neighborhood strip center, pad site/outparcel, lifestyle center, mixed use center, downtown/central business district, freestanding

PA – Harrisburg & East; NJ (Mercer/Burlington/ Camden/Gloucester Counties) DE – New Castle County

Brian Goodwin - 610-825-5222 bgoodwin@metrocommercial.com Steve Niggeman - 610-825-5222 sniggeman@metrocommercial.com

Affluent Markets, High Traffic Locations

3,000 – 3,500 SF

The Original Brooklyn Water Bagels

David Nicholson 717-569-9373 dnicholson@lms-pma.com www.lms-pma.com

Maximum 100 feet from the main traffic road or shopping center entrance

End Cap, In-line and Freestanding Space

Central PA

2,000 – 2,400 SF


Brandon Famous (610) 834-8000 bfamous@fameco.com Brian Bruzek (610) 834-8000 bbruzek@fameco.com

50’+ of frontage, affluent markets, high traffic locations

Eastern PA, Southern NJ, Delaware

7,000-10,000 SF

Grocery anchored preferred

Pet Supplies Plus

Jason Pierson 732-707-6900 x2

Major retail corridor, Heavy residential and daytime work populations

End Cap, In-line and Freestanding Space

Central & Northern, NJ

2,200 – 2,400 SF

jason@piersonre.com www.piersonre.com


Jason Pierson 732-707-6900 x2

Major retail corridor, Heavy residential and daytime work populations

Central & Northern, NJ


4,250 - 5,000 SF

jason@piersonre.com www.piersonre.com


Be a part of this brand new page of Shopping Centers to- day! Central PA End Cap and Freestanding 2,000-2,600 SF Major retail corridor, Heavy daytime and residential population

Chad Stine 717-843-5555

cstine@bennettwilliams.com www.bennettwilliams.com

Five Guys

Chad Stine cstine@bennettwilliams.com Brad Rohrbaugh brohrbaugh@bennettwilliams.com Adam Hagerman ahagerman@bennettwilliams.com 717-843-5555 www.bennettwilliams.com Chad Stine cstine@bennettwilliams.com Brad Rohrbaugh brohrbaugh@bennettwilliams.com Adam Hagerman ahagerman@bennettwilliams.com 717-843-5555 www.bennettwilliams.com Chad Stine cstine@bennettwilliams.com Brad Rohrbaugh brohrbaugh@bennettwilliams.com 717-843-5555 www.bennettwilliams.com

70’ + of frontage, Metro & Rural markets, Ability to have 2,500 SF of food sales

Central PA

In-line and Build to Suit 9,000-12,500, BTS: 1.5 Acres

Dollar General

60 +’ of frontage Heavy Retail Corridor with dense residential population,

Inline (End Cap preferred) and Build to Suit 1-1.5 Acres

Central PA

6,500-7,500 SF

Advance Auto Parts

Heavy Retail Corridor with traffic counts in excess of 20,000 CPD

Free Standing/End Cap with drive-thru

Central PA

1,600-1,800 SF

Dunkin’ Donuts

one spot left in this brand new page of shopping centers!

For more information about listing your tenants expansion requirements — Contact Elaine Fanning e-fanning@marejournal.com • 1.800.584.1065 ext. 212

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