Go Mag Issue 73

• Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) : This herbal remedy reduces the duration and severity of upper respiratory tract infections, such as cough. It contains quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid which supports lung function. Be patient: building a strong immune system

takes time. However, if you incorporate as many of these ideas as possible, your child’s immune health will grow stronger. A strong immune system will reduce the frequency, severity and duration of infections, so that when an infection does strike, your child can fight it off better and recover faster. Important: If you are concerned about recurring infections in your child, seek professional medical advice as a first step. Dr Sandra Cabot McRae is an integrative medical doctor who graduated with honours in medicine and surgery. She has been using complementary therapies for over 50 years and tries to inspire her patients to be their own health warriors.

Healthy Hacks for Happy Kids: Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Nutrition

Try the Herbs of Gold Children’s Range to support children’s general health and wellbeing.


Try these handy health hacks to ensure your child is receiving the very best possible levels of nutrients. • Nutritional supplements: Look for brands which are well-regarded as specialising in formulas that only use clinically-trialled ingredients, based on the latest research to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of children and their unique nutrition and diet needs. Your expert Go Vita instore consultant can help to recommend the right product for your child. • Chewable vitamins and mineral tablets can be an easier option for children, especially younger ones who have not developed their swallowing reflex or who just refuse to swallow large tablets. Chewable tablets that only use natural flavours will ensure your child is getting enough vitamin C, magnesium and immune-supportive minerals and trace elements. Another option is to choose a powder or a liquid vitamin and mineral supplement and add this to your child's morning glass of water before school. The qualified expert staff in your local Go Vita store will show you the right product for your child's specific needs. • Homeopathic medicines work on the principle of ‘like heals like’, and formulas are based on natural ingredients, such as Bach flower remedies, herbs, minerals and tissue salts. Homeopathy offers a gentle and safe method for healing and supporting children’s health. Your Go Vita instore consultant can show you a comprehensive range of homeopathic products, including formulas which offer natural calming support for kids and teenagers experiencing restlessness and anxiety.


ISSUE 69 • 2023

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