Despite our imperfect grammar, hesitations and ambiguities, innovative literate AI reads emotional context and tone of voice, establishing understanding with ease.
an interface can be a significant barrier. Conversational AI promises to remove these barriers between people and technology. At Senseforth, our vision is to make technology human-like, to remove those barriers, and make emotion, personality, playfulness, and social skills a part of every conversational AI-driven experience. It might seem like science fiction, but with considerable innovation already underway in these areas, the dream is on track to become a reality over the next few years.
Conversational AI has come a long way since the Eliza chatbot was developed in the 1960s. Today, enterprises in every industry are adopting the technology for an expanding range of use cases. Meanwhile, virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri have been welcomed into consumers’ homes to help with everything from smart lighting to home entertainment. They even tell jokes. But there are still some rough edges. Human language is a flexible system developed over millennia. We naturally
Our vision is to make technology humanlike, to remove those barriers and make emotion, personality, playfulness and social skills a part of every conversational AI-driven experience.
understand each other despite our imperfect grammar, hesitations, and ambiguities. We read the emotional context from facial expressions, tone of voice, and other cues. Conversely, our interactions with virtual assistants lack that rich context, and conversations tend to falter after two or three turns – although we have developed fallback mechanisms like asking more questions to clarify or passing the conversation to a human operative. For those who are not computer literate, the need to learn
For instance, today, we’re creating hybrid voice, text, and graphics experiences to enable richer, more free-flowing conversations across different contexts. This could be a voice in the car to minimize distractions, text for checking your bank balance in a public space, or graphics so a virtual shopping assistant can bubble up images of suitable items to choose from. Further, with graphical user interface elements blended into the experience, the next best actions can
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