AMS Eliminator Fume Hood Catalog

Fume Hood General Design Requirements



A. Single source responsibility: Fume hood casework, work surfaces, and other laboratory equipment and accessories shall be manufactured or furnished by a single laboratory furniture company. B. Manufacturer’s qualifications: Modern plant with proper tools, dies, fixtures and skilled worker to produce high quality laboratory casework and equipment, and shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1. Ten years or more experience in manufacturing of laboratory casework and equipment of type specified. 2. Ten installations of equal or larger size and requirements. C. Installer’s qualifications: Factory certified by the manufacturer. D. Product shall be manufactured and assembled in the United States of America.

A. Fume hoods shall function as ventilated, enclosed workspaces, designed to capture, confine and exhaust fumes, vapors and particulate matter produced or generated within the enclosure. B . Design fume hoods for consistent and safe air flow through the hood face. Negative variations of face velocity shall not exceed 20% of the average face velocity at any designated measuring point as defined in this section. C. Average illumination of work area: Minimum 80 foot-candles. Work area shall be defined as the area inside the superstructure from side to side and from face of baffle to the inside face of the sash, and from the working surface to a height of 28 inches. D. Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss with adequate slot area and stainless steal exhaust collar configuration. Maximum average static pressure loss readings taken three diameters above the hood outlet from four points, 90 degrees apart, shall not exceed the following maximums.


A. Schedule delivery of equipment so that spaces are sufficiently complete that equipment can be installed immediately following delivery . B . Protect finished surfaces from soiling or damage during handling and installation. Keep covered with polyethylene film or other protective coating. C. Protect all work surfaces throughout construction period with 1/4” corrugated cardboard completely covering the top and securely taped to edges. Mark cardboard in large lettering No Standing.”

Face Velocity 100 FPM 125 FPM 150 FPM

Measured SPL (WG) .30 inches .45 inches .60 inches


A. Shop Drawings: Indicate equipment locations, large scale plans, elevations, and cross sections, rough in and anchor placement dimensions and tolerances and all required clearances. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s data for each component and item of laboratory equipment specified. Include component dimensions, configurations, construction details, joint details, and attachments, utility and service requirements and locations. C. Samples: Submit 3” x 6” inch samples of finish for fume hood, work surfaces and for other pre finished equipment and accessories for selection by Architect. D. Test Reports: Submit test reports verifying conformance to test performances specified. Submit independent tests as specified.


A. Do not deliver or install equipment until the following conditions have been met: 1. Windows and doors are installed and the building is secure and weather tight. 2. Plumbing, overhead ductwork and lighting are installed. 3. All painting is completed and floor tile located below casework is installed.

Air Master Systems Corp. • 231.798.1111 •


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