AMS Eliminator Fume Hood Catalog

Fume Hood General Design Requirements


2. Access to fixture valves concealed in wall provided by exterior removable access panels, gasketed access panels on the inside liner walls, or through removable front posts. 3. Hoods must be of full frame construction. Hoods that use metal brackets and spacers to hold interior and exterior panel in place are unacceptable. B. Exhaust outlet: 10” round, 20 gauge stainless steel exhaust collars. C. Access opening perimeter: Top and sides of face opening to be radiuses or angled. 1. Bottom horizontal: foil shall be a flush- mount type and provide a 1” bypass to insure a clean sweep and to minimize eddies along the work surface when sash is in the closed position. For ADA fume hoods, a secondary containment trough with flush mount airfoil to be provided. 2. Bottom sash rail: 1-1/2” frame section, 16-gauge steel or PVC. Provide pull, full width of bottom rail. 3. Set safety glass into rails in deep form, extruded polyvinyl chloride or neoprene glazing channels if a steel sash frame is being used. 4. Counter balance system: Single weight, pulley, cable, counter balance system which prevents sash tilting by means of a shaft driven” system and permits one finger operation at any point along full width pull. Sash not using this type of counter balance systems are unacceptable. Maximum 9 pounds pull required to raise or lower sash throughout its full length of travel. Design system to hold sash at any position without creep and to prevent sash drop in the event of cable failure. 5. Open and close sash against rubber bumper stops. D. Fume hood liner: 3/16” Polyresin: Reinforced polyester panel smooth finish and white color in final appearance. Flexural strength: 14,000 psi. Flame spread: 15 or less per U.L. 723 and ASTM E84-80. E. Baffles: Fabricate fixed baffles providing controlled air vectors into and through the fume hood of the same material as the liner. Hoods with adjustable baffles are unacceptable. All baffle support brackets to be non-metallic.

A. Steel: High quality, cold rolled, mild steel meeting requirements of ASTM A366; gauges U.S. Standard.

B . Stainless Steel: Type 304 or 316; gauges U.S. Standard C. Ceiling closure panels: Minimum 18 gauge; finish to match hood exterior. D. Bypass grilles: Low resistant type, 18 gauge steel, upward directional louvers. E. Safety glass: 7/32” thick laminated safety glass. F. Sash cables: 7 x 7 steel, coated, 1/8” diameter coated to 5/32”. (Military spec. quality.) G. Sash guides: A full length extruded corrosion resistant polyvinyl chloride or powder coated steel with PVC guides to protect against metal to metal contact. H. Pulley assembly for sash cable: 2” diameter, steel construction, ball bearing type, with cable retaining device. I. Sash pull: Full width 16 gauge steel to match hood color. J. Interior access panels: To be made of the same material as the fume hood liner with an easily removable PVC gasket. K. Fastenings: 1. Exterior structural members attachments: Sheet metal screws, zinc plated. 2. Interior fastening devices concealed. Exposed screws not acceptable. 3. Exterior panel member fastening devices to be corrosion resistant non-metallic material. Exposed screws not acceptable.


A. Superstructure: Rigid, self-supporting assembly of double wall construction, maximum 5-1/4” thick.

1. Wall consists of a sheet steel outer shell and a corrosion resistant inner liner, and houses remote operating service fixture mechanisms and electrical services.

Air Master Systems Corp. • 231.798.1111 •


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