Vital Highlights 2014-2021

FUNDING FLAGSHIP 1 ( 2017 - 2020 )

Sydney Vital : $ 815 , 625

External Sources : $ 2 , 125 , 000



External Sources include : The Mark Hughes Foundation , The Brain Cancer Group , NHMRC , Sutton Family Translational Research grant


Pin - pointed the need for close monitoring of haematologic and immune - related adverse events in patients receiving combination immunotherapy and radiotherapy . Demonstrated the prognostic value of systemic inflammatory response biomarkers in colorectal cancer . Revealed an unrecognised deficiency in immune cells following chemotherapy for colorectal cancer that needs to be considered in therapeutic management . Was awarded an additional $ 2 . 1 million in research funding by leveraging the initial funding . Led a special international journal issue dedicated to inflammation in cancer . Established infrastructure utilizing the only small animal research radiation platform ( Xstrahl SARRP ) in Australia for pre - clinical assessment of new therapies in combination with radiation .


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