Vital Highlights 2014-2021


Imaging has always been regarded as one of the strengths of the Royal North Shore campus . It was the site of the first clinical MRI scanner in Australia . Today , researchers have access to state - of - the - art medical imaging devices in both the public and private hospitals and the necessary research support teams to help them analyse their data . In addition , closely aligned with imaging , the Kolling Building houses a small animal irradiator ( SARRP ) which can be used for cell and preclinical radiation experimentation . Sydney Vital researchers make extensive use of the precinct ’ s imaging resources . The Translational Theranostics flagship has active projects in the use of whole - body PET functional imaging as a prognostic biomarker for neuroendocrine tumours and in prostate cancer . The nano oncology flagship uses a combination of MRI and PET imaging to identify metastatic lymph node disease in colorectal cancers . Other trials currently recruiting are using early imaging with PET to identify response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy , with a view to changing the treatment if it is not proving successful . The figure shows a PET/CT scan of a patient with metastatic prostate cancer that has spread to the spine and skull.


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