Board of Directors Candidate Declaration
Name (Print): Lot #
ORPS Owner Since:
Goals and/or Objectives for the Board of Directors:
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
B. ORPS/Community Association/Civic Organization Experience (if any): 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. C. Why should you be elected as a Board Member? (Limit to Space)
Current/Past Occupations & Employers:
1. 2 .
4. I attest that I am an Owner on title of Outdoor Resort – Palm Springs Owners Association. I believe all my statements contained on this Candidate Declaration to be true. I agree to adhere to the CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations, and any amendments thereto. _________________________________________ ______________________________ Candidate’s Signature Date
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