STATEMENT 5 “We didn’t invite you because you wouldn’t be able to eat.” Consideration: Generally speaking, being excluded from events where others you like or care for you can be very hurtful. Subsequently, being excluded due to a health condition you have no control over can be even more hurtful. It has the potential to send a message that inclusion is not at the forefront of your friendship or an event that is happening. It also sends a message that people are not willing to accommodate a real health issue and instead would prefer to treat the food allergic person as invisible because it is easier than dealing with change. This takes the power of choice from the person who may very well decide to eat before going to an event or bringing their own food so they could still enjoy being with others. A viable option would be to simply discuss dietary needs ahead of time to find a suitable meal, snack or drink they can have so they can come to the event and enjoy the company of friends, family, or colleagues. Valuing people matters.

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