Q: How did you find the experience with the THA? Given you have some hospitality experience – did anything in particular resonate with you? A: Having THA as my board was a fun and learning experience. Their meetings are very different and unique due to travel reasons, which is far from normal board meetings which are usually conducted in one place. I had fun travelling and seeing different places in Tasmania, as well as learning and experiencing what it is like to be on a board. As a student who works in the hospitality sector it is nice knowing the THA try their very best to support the hospitality sector. They discuss everything that is related to hospitality, but one thing that resonated with me the most is when they were talking about [working] visas. It is known that a majority of hospitality labour relies on foreign nationals, so having visa restrictions does affect the employment in the hospitality businesses. As a supervisor, asking someone to cover shifts is a struggle because the
majority of the workers are under restrictions, so it is nice knowing that the THA board are discussing [ways to address the problem]. Q: What did you take away from the program? Do you think it will assist you moving forward? A: I took away a lot of knowledge about corporate governance, as well as life lessons. The program doesn’t focus only about the corporation aspects but also life lessons. Every month we [participants] met and discussed all the modules and they would introduce a guest speaker who would talk about their experiences as a board member and how they got there. Their experiences always left me in awe, their experiences and their adventure on how they got to the top is amazing and very inspiring, knowing corporation is mainly a male-dominating field. Their amazing journey and the life lessons they shared to us is my takeaway to assist me to keep moving forward in my career of choice.
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