Tasmanian Hospitality Review - December/January 2024

Corporate Update

Partnerships to Support Tassie Hospitality in 2024

a prosperous 2024.

The hospitality industry in Tasmania, like many others, faces a unique set of challenges. From the rising cost of living and operational expenses to potential decreases in spending due to inflation, these factors can threaten the stability and growth of businesses. Recognising these challenges, the Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) is committed to providing its members with the support and resources they need to thrive. As part of this effort, the THA has appointed a dedicated Corporate Partnership Manager to explore new partnerships that offer valuable solutions to these challenges. One of the key areas of focus for the Corporate Partnership Manager in 2024 is developing a comprehensive resource to help THA members access the full range of benefits available through these partnerships. This resource will aim to connect venues and their staff with the right suppliers and partners to address specific needs. We are grateful for the ongoing support of our existing partners and the trust of our new partners. Together, we are committed to working collaboratively to ensure

New Partnerships December 2023: • Toby Test and Tags: Simplifying compliance and safety. • Daiquirii: Ice House Beverages: D’Yavol Liquers, D’Yavol Ice carbonates, wines, granita mixes,1883 Syrups, Equipment, portable bars & services • Pinpoint Group: Bringing you Taste of Summer and Jonno’s Sauce supplies. The THA encourages all members to explore the new partnerships and take advantage of the valuable resources available to them. As we approach the festive season, we wish everyone a safe, happy, and prosperous holiday period. We look forward to working together in 2024 to create a bigger and brighter future!

Corporate Partner Enquiries? Contact Val Giraldo E: val@tha.asn.au Ph: 0405202918

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