Membership Update
As we approach the busy season, it is important to acknowledge the testing times our members have gone through over the last few months, as Tasmania was hit with a tough winter/spring, with cost of living, overseas travel and high interest rates taking their toll. There is a strong optimism on the upcoming months with occupancy forecasting looking strong and Christmas and New Year functions coming up. This month saw the inception of four crucial subcommittees — Accommodation, Pub/Tavern, Restaurants and Cafes, and Micro Brewers/Distilleries. These platforms are not just for dialogue but for innovation and mutual support. They’ll address sector- specific needs and provide strong feedback to guide the THA’s policy and strategy.
partners. Earlier in the month we were fortunate enough to attend the employer of choice awards at another member venue Frogmore Creek. The hospitality was exceptional, and once again congratulations to all the winners.
Recently the membership team caught up with the judges from our Awards for Excellence. Their expertise shaped discussions on refining the judging process for 2024. We shared feedback from the members on the process and criteria, which will help fine tune our awards next year. We will always continue to improve the experience for our members. All our members would have received their 2024 renewal via email. If you haven’t, please contact our membership team. We have an exciting 2024 planned for our members, however we need your support to continue to deliver for the industry. If you have any concerns, please contact us. We wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year period, and look forward to starting next year with a bang.
Our recent event at Iron Creek Bay Farm stay was a great success. The venue is spectacular, and we can’t thank Rod and his team enough for their hospitality. The weather was perfect, and I would highly recommend heading out to Sorell to experience the venue. We also attended the Work and Training Awards at our member venue Blundstone Arena, congratulations to all the winners, and well done on a wonderful evening to our
Cafe Karma Tower Cafe
Dunalley Seaside Market Pedro’s ‘The Restaurant’ The Ducks Bar and Restaurant Boho at the Beach Imperial Hotel Southern Tasmanian Badminton Association
South Burnie Bowls Club Special Olympics Tasmania
25 Tasmanian Hospitality Review December/January Edition
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