Tasmanian Hospitality Review - December/January 2024

Hospo Health

“The CEOs we had taking part in the challenge all have demanding roles and busy schedules. But they stepped up to the plate, came along and spent the morning helping us shine a light on employee wellbeing.” “All the evidence shows that mentally healthy workplaces need a top-down approach, and we know workplace culture is also led from the top. By bringing leaders together to collaborate and put their hands up as champions of workplace wellness, it sets a standard and sends a strong message right across the workforce.”

While our focus is on the hospitality industry, we’ll continue to build relationships with other businesses and leaders. We know a shared commitment will allow us to have an even stronger voice for our own industry and the Tasmanian community in general. Throughout the Christmas and New Year period, make sure you keep watch on our website and social media for videos, podcasts and other resources to keep yourself and your team on track with quality sleeps, good nutrition, a happy outlook and plenty of daily movement.

Sherri and Steve both encourage everyone who hasn’t already heard the podcasts to tune in.

“We had some powerful conversations in this series,” says Steve. “Our guests really leant into the discussion, with many revealing their own personal experiences and vulnerabilities. And when you have a CEO sharing these stories it goes a long way towards breaking down the stigma and showing people that it’s okay to talk about mental health and struggles.”

How do we build on this?

HOSPO Health CEO Challenge 2024 is already pencilled in and we’re aiming for bigger and better!

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