Tasmanian Hospitality Review - December/January 2024

Clubs Tasmania

As this year draws to an end, it has been a busy couple of months running workshops and pre planning for the coming year. We hope that everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas, and may the new year bring success, growth, and exciting opportunities as we look forward to working with you in 2024! Throughout the months of November and December Clubs Tasmania has partnered with Scala Training Company to roll out Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training courses at the Westbury RSL and Claremont Golf Club in Hobart. The enthusiastic response with great attendance numbers indicates the importance and relevance of such training within community clubs. In partnership with Work & Training, we were pleased to be able to offer two, two-day Food and Safety Supervisor Courses to the Community Clubs who are involved in the food preparation and serving around the state. These sessions were face to face, and going forward from December this year most Tasmanian Food Businesses and community clubs will be required to have a Certified Food Safety Supervisor (FSS). We also partnered with the Tasmanian Community Fund and Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) for the second time this year to hold a series of grant writing workshops, which are always very well received by community clubs. These workshops were suitable for first time grant writers as well as those wishing to gain extra tips on how to put your best words forward when applying for funding. In November, in association with Reclink Australia, Workplace Alive and Well Training, we travelled to Oatlands to hold an event at the Oatlands Ex-Services and Community Club for the clubs in the Southern Midlands. Everyone at the event was lucky enough to hear an inspirational speech from JackJumpers coach Scott Roth, who discussed the importance of good culture and leadership within a team. If you every get the chance to listen to Scott’s speech, you will walk away full of motivation. Lastly, Clubs Tasmania held two sports luncheons for our members. One was held at Country Club Tasmania where everyone heard some great stories and insights from Tasmanian born and AFL legend Matthew Richardson, and the second luncheon was held at the Hobart Franklin Wharf Function Centre, where everyone heard from the new Tasmanian AFL team

Chair Grant O’Brien and Australian Sports Foundation CEO Patrick Walker, where clubs learned some new methods of fundraising for their club.


Clubs Tasmania acknowledges the continued support from our network of over 900 clubs, and we are committed to continuing to keep you informed and support your club and community, to decrease the workload on volunteers, reduce costs and increase revenue so your club can remain viable and sustainable. This edition we are also proud to feature a group of dedicated volunteers from the Claremont Golf Club who work tirelessly to keep the course and greens in pristine condition for members! Like many golf clubs Claremont has a very strong volunteer support group. “Dads Army”, as the group of volunteers here at the Claremont Golf Club are popularly known, has been in existence for many years and are an integral part of the golf club. Theyevenhavetheirownhighvisshirtsandareregulars on a Thursday morning assisting the greens staff by undertaking the many different jobs that are essential to keeping an 18-hole golf course functioning.

34 Tasmanian Hospitality Review December/Jnauary Edition

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