Why Are Dairy Products Important? by Al Duthie Family means something different to different people. Some people have close relationships to immediate family members, other people not so much. The definition (literary) of family is: A group of 2 or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption, who live together. But, of course, family goes way beyond that! Certainly family members are still family regardless of where they live. Certainly family members go beyond imme- diate family (mother, father, siblings, spouse, children), whether extended family blood-related like uncles, aunts, or cousins, or extended family relatives like in-laws. Family households usually “shrink” in size as time passes, however, the actual total of family members usually increase due to the addition of daughter in-laws, son in-laws, and those special grandchildren we are blessed to receive. Depending on living distance, often not even due to that travel distance, we have more contact with our church “family”, or work “family”, of friends “family”. We tend to select or be drawn to these “family” members due to reasons like sharing beliefs, sharing values, having deep bonding connections, or just having plain common interests like sports or hobbies. No matter what type of “family” we belong to strengths of that “family” includes good communication, under- standing, and forgiveness. How does a “family” remain strong? One of the strongest ties for “family” is the cre- ation of memories together. And these special memories (life- long) occur during common bonds and sharing common interests. We can all think of examples of certain family vacations, or “road trips” with co-workers, or “road trips” with friends, or concerts, or ball games that hold a special place in our memory bank. Why is “family” so important to us? Besides faith as #1 in our lives, family is a close #2 for most of us. Family gives us a sense of belonging. Family provides support, encouragement, and assistance in times of need. Family provides understanding and forgiveness when we make mistakes. Family gives praise to us when we deserve it. Fam- ily can simply be present with us to do nothing except just be there, quietly “hang out”. It keeps us from being alone in the world. Family keeps us from facing life all by ourselves. Family means everything is going to be O.K., no mat- ter what.
A publication of Crest Foods Co., Inc. PO Box 371 • Ashton, IL 61006 • Phone: (815) 453-7411 • Fax: (815) 453-2646 Jeff Meiners, President • Steve Meiners, V.P. Corporate Sales Mike Meiners, V.P. General Mgr Contract Mfg. Savannah Fagan, Erika Meiners, Jeff Meiners, Kristina McWethy, Gaven Meiners: Editors “Crest sells quality products and service – at a profit when we can, at a loss if we must – but always quality.” Copyright 2022
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