Reflet 2024 12 11



She was also one of the last people he emailed before his death. That night, he told her he would attend the following day’s 5SJWJB/JHIU The next morning, Johnston received a call informing her of St-Pierre’s passing. “I was devastated,” Johnston said. “He was a very, very good friend. I have a lot of respect for Leroux [his successor], but they couldn’t have chosen anyone better to follow JP. JP was such a great friend.”

“Unfortunately, I’m one of the last people in the area interested in history, and I thought, if I don’t write it down, like so many other stories, they’ll be lost forever. I was very happy to be able to do it.” Johnston also shared a connection with former Russell Mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre, XIPNTIFLOFXCFGPSFIJTQBTTJOHJO They attended the same high school, their children played sports together, but they became closer when St-Pierre entered poli- UJDT BOE+PIOTUPOKPJOFEIJTDBNQBJHOUFBN i8FBUUFOEFEBMMUIFNFFUJOHT BOE* knocked on hundreds of doors on his behalf when he ran for office, first as a councilor and then as mayor,” she said.

Connie Johnston, a resident of Russell for 73 years, received the JP St-Pierre Award—her second award this year. At the annual banquet of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) %JSFDUPSTPO4BUVSEBZ /PW UIFUI annual JP St-Pierre Award was presented to Marcel Belle-Isle, a volunteer with several PSHBOJ[BUJPOTPWFSUIFQBTUZFBST BOE to Connie Johnston. Johnston who has been involved with numerous organizations, inclu- EJOHUIFQPQVMBS5SJWJB/JHIUT XIJDIIBWF raised funds for various local causes and DIBSJUJFTJO3VTTFMMTJODF 5IFNPTUSFDFOU5SJWJB/JHIU IFMEPO /PWFNCFS SBJTFE GPSUIF3VTTFMM Association for the Performing Arts (RAPA) to help purchase new equipment, among other needs. i8FTUBSUFEUIFTFFWFOJOHTBTBXBZ to help people going through tough times, whatever the reason,” said Johnston. 5IFàSTU5SJWJB/JHIUXBTPSHBOJ[FEOFBSMZ ZFBSTBHPUPTVQQPSUUIFGBNJMZPGBNBO from Russell who was killed in a car accident. “He had two small children, so we thought we needed to find a way to help the family. 8FPSHBOJ[FEPOFPGUIFTFOJHIUTBUUIFPME hotel we had here, and that’s simply our goal: to help those in need,” Johnston explained. 4JODFJUTJODFQUJPO 5SJWJB/JHIUIBTSBJTFE PWFSNJMMJPOGPSUIFSFTJEFOUTPG3VTTFMM Johnston is also busy as the Director

5IFOFYU5SJWJB/JHIUJTTDIFEVMFEGPS +BOVBSZ  UPCFOFàUUIF3VTTFMM Optimist Club, a group of parents dedicated to providing entertainment for children in the community. UNE VEILLÉE POUR LES VICTIMES DE LA VIOLENCE À L'ÉGARD DES FEMMES

Connie Johnston, l’une des deux personnes qui ont remporté le prix JP St. Pierre de cette année aux côtés de Marcel Belle-Isle, ce tient occupée avec la soirée trivia, la Société historique de Russell, et la publication de son livre au printemps. (Russell Trivia, Facebook) of the Russell Historical Society. She was previously the Director of the Russell Hor- ticultural Society but decided to step back due to her overwhelming schedule. “I reached a point where I was never home all week, so I had to take a step back,” she shared. This summer, Johnston published a book compiling stories from Russell residents about their childhoods and lives in the municipality. 7PJDFPG0VS5PXOTQBOTQBHFTBOE DPOUBJOT QIPUPT BQSPKFDUUIBUUPPL Johnston five years to complete. “It was on my bucket list,” Johnston said.

Organisée par la Coalition de Prescott-Russell pour l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes, la cérémonie annuelle en l'honneur des femmes et des enfants qui ont perdu la vie à cause de la violence fondée sur le sexe est un symbole pour les CUPR depuis 14 ans. Cette année, la cérémonie de Casselman s'est déroulée dans un nouvel endroit, près de la rivière Nation. Autrefois sur le terrain de l'église, la pierre et la plaque ont été déplacées au parc des aînés, « un endroit neutre pour toutes les religions », selon la mairesse de Casselman, Geneviève Lajoie, qui n'a pu assister à la cérémonie en raison d'une maladie. Une vingtaine de personnes étaient présentes à la cérémonie. (Gabrielle Vinette, EAP)

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