T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
churches at home were exhorted to make ready for the return of transformed, divested of the false glamor of assumed piety and dedicated to the colossal task of the spiritual reconstruction of the earth. “ But what was our bewilderment, when after the roar of the cannon was no longer to be heard and the passions of men had ceased to he aroused and stimu lated by the thrilling emotions of war, we discovered that the men who had gone to France to fight our battles!, and the men, women and children who lingered with bated breath at home, stood religiously and spiritually just where they stood three years ago. Our boys came back with a wonderfully increased store of human knowledge with a mental attitude toward problems and conditions essentially dif ferent from what it was, yet in the deeper recesses of their souls there has been no change in their disposition toward the great eternal verities of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” , . , , , , God waited four thousand years to get a language intense enough to express His plan for the salvation of men. He need never he expected to accept any substitute for the finished work of His Son—not even (going over the top ” The lion still refuses to lie down with the lamb and good will among men” is far from being an epidemic. Nothing but the old Gospel can regenerate the hearts of men and nothing but the coming of the Lord Himself will purge the nations of the earth.—K. L. B. THE RUTHLESS Rutkerford “ Judge” Rutherford, successor to “ Pastor” Russell is out of jail and making up for lost time. He has been lecturing in some of the large cities and not a word appears in the spectacular advertising to identify him with the cult he represents. Hundreds are being bamboozled. Under Ruther ford’s picture are the words: “ Judge Rutherford of New York City Ba,r President of New York City Peoples’ Pulpit Association.” It was the policy of Russell to change the name of his organization whenever it began to smell bad. First it was ‘ ‘ Zion’s Watch Tower Society.’ ’ Then it was ‘ ‘ Millennial Dawn.” Mrs. Russell came out with damaging stories and the courts gave her alimony, and business beginning to suffer, the “ Pastor” changed the titles of his books to “ Studies in the Scriptures” and his organization to “ Watch Tower Bible and Tract Societies.” It was also known as The London and Brooklyn Tabernacles.” Next the literature bore the imprint of “ Peoples’ Pulpit Association” and then the name “ International Bible Students Association” was hit upon as a clever idea. Now the “ Judge” is representing the “ Pulpit Association of New York City. Whatever name is used, Rutherford is just plain “ Russellite” and teaches the blasphemous religion of an annihilated Christ. m ^ m THE PARENTAL FROWN— A Minus Quantity - Eli the ancient priest of Israel, was severely chastised by God because he “ restrained not his sons” (1 Sam. 3 :13), whom he knew to be living lewd and licentious lives. The margin of the Revised Version throws an interest ing light on the meaning of the expression “ restrained not” , showing that the words may be translated “ he frowned not” upon them. The Bible cer tainly teaches the duty of the parental frown—something that is getting to be an absent quantity in modern family life. The crossing of God s design concerning this family institution is responsible for a good share of the misery in the world.
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