King's Business - 1920-04

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


G ive us a boost — wh ? Not? All the denominational and Bible study magazines about us have in­ creased their subscription rates from 50 to 100 per cent. The temptation in every line these days is to charge more and give less. We are against the price-boosting movement. We intend to stand our ground as long as we possibly can. Our readers appreciate our stand and are rallying to our support. We will win out if our friends will do their best to interest others in the maga- inzine. Stay with us and we’ll stay with you. We aim to give more and better instead of less for more. gfc ^liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinininiiw Hark ®I|tH (§tt four map |

AKB up a map and find the lands where sin and vice skulk in the darkness; where virtue is hon­ ored and purity enthroned; go mark on the map the lands where the men are the most manly and the women the most womanly, and you will find it in those lands where the Bible is the most ex­ alted, not as the word of man, but, in deed and in Find the men and women who know most of God, Who have the deepest consciousness of Him in the soul, and who walk every day with the assurance of His real presence—to whom the unseen becomes from hour to hour the thing that is alone real—and who live as kings above their prostrate .passions—and they will be those who make this Book the supreme authority in their daily lives; and who hear it when it speaks to them as the very Voice of God. Place this Book in the midst of the vilest and most abandoned community of desperate and devilish .men, and sooner or later you will hear a cry coming from the depths of sin and shame, bitter ,cries of repentance and yearnings after God; and by and by that community will be trans­ formed, men will no longer .be demon-filled, but possessed with a spirit of truth and love, and God will be found to Whatever there is of sweetness and truth and righteous­ ness in the world today; whatever there is that gives hope and comfort on earth and holds men back from very madness and despair, is due directly and indirectly to this Book. A Book which thus inspires men for God, is indeed, a Book which by every law of logic must have been inspired by God. ■ X. M. HALDBMAN. truth, as the Word of God. reign in the midst.


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