King's Business - 1920-04

A N N O U N C E M E N T A NEW CORRESPONDENCE COURSE BOOK S T UDY THROUGH THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR BY REV. W. H. PIKE, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES ‘T T 'O U W ILL WANT THIS COURSE. Nothing k o exactly like it has ever been prepared. It will take you through the entire Bible giving you a compre­ hensive view o f each book. Fourteen points on each book are treated and the same outline is held to through­ out the whole Bible. 1. T h e K ey W ord s 2. T h e K e y V erse 3 . T h e K ey C hapter 4. T h e W rite r o r W riters 5. T o W h om W ritten 6 . D ate B ook W ritten 7. S co p e o f the B ook 8 . Sum m ary o f B ook 9. Gist o f T ea ch in g 10. P ractical T ea ch in g 1 1. T h e V ie w o f Christ 12. D ispensational Setting 13. H ow to M aster the B ook 14. Setting o f the B ook We expect to start the course April 1. Enroll at once. Total cost only $3.00. Full benefits of our Correspondence School and a Bible Institute Certificate when course is successfully finished. Write S ecretary C orresp on d en ce S ch o o l BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

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