T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ten to the message. We are teaching the little ones to sing and learn Scrip ture texts. Eternity alone will tell of the result. “ His word surely cannot return unto Him void, but must accom plish that whereunto it was sent.” At one of the camps where we have a large gathering of men there are a dozen or more who now accompany us in singing and in this way we are gaining accept ance with the men and some have taken a definite stand on the Lord’s side. Will you not, dear reader, continue to hold up this work in your prayers. Also pray especially that the funds required for the work among Mexicans may he forthcoming so that we may be able to do better work among such a host. ROBERT H. BENDER, Supt SEAMEN’S WORK A Godly Sea Captain S OME time ago it was the worker’s privilege to meet a dear man of God, captain of an Australian sailing ship who, living a true Christian life before his crew, would gather them on deck on Sunday morning and “ preach unto them Christ,” way out on the blue deep. While in port this captain‘would preach the Gospel in the churches/and so be able to reach many with the Word.
362 Christ as his Saviour, told us _that in his father’s house in old Mexico they had an image to which his father would point his linger and say, “ There is your god; kneel down and ask him for what you want.” This same young man, since he has found the true God, can not help smiling at the foolishness of his having prayed to a wooden image. Some one may he inclined to doubt that this is the general conception of Roman ists, but following this incident, while visiting from house to house in another Mexican colony, we met a woman to whom we spoke of God, Answering our question she said, “ Oh, yes, I believe in God,” and as an evidence of her belief in God, pointed to an altar in her house covered with images and pictures of saints, saying, “Now, see if you don’t think I believe in God.” “ But,” we said to her, “ are you saved or have you received God’s pardon from your sins?” All she could say was, “ God only knows. If He wills, I will he saved and if not, well— Oh, how sad to think that they have been brought up in a false religion, given a false peace and a false hope which some day will cause them to wake up in hell. How true are the words of the prophet, “ They have not known nor understood.” How incumbent it is upon us who know and understand, to give them the knowledge of the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In spite of these conditions, we find the Gospel is still the power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth, and we praise God for those that do believe, and are not ashamed of the Gospel. Genuine Conversions Among Mexicans While going our usual rounds, invit ing some of the men to a cottage meet ing, we stepped into the room of one of the recent converts and found three men gathered listening while he was reading to them the good news of Sal vation. This scene brought gladness to our hearts as we saw a convert seeking to persuade others to come to the Saviour. Our hearts are indeed encour aged because of new interest. May it not he due to the little tokens of love we gave the children at Christmas time? At another colony recently we had a gathering of twenty-five women, forty children and eight young men. We talked to them, using g picture roll, and they all gathered closely in order to see the pictures. It was the first time we had had so many women gather to lis-
A true friendship has sprung up from the first meeting be tween the worker and this good cap tain. In one of his letters, he speaks of the need for prayer in his behalf, as he preaches the Gospel. In turn he is pray ing for the Seamen’s Work on the coast, daily, so a few lines his letter to enable,
Oscar Zimmerman are enclosed from
our friends to pray -for him in his quiet, definite way of reaching souls for God. A few extracts follow: “ Dear Mr. Z.: This is not considered a letter, hut merely a hurriedly written note, letting you know that I received your beautiful letter and also that I have left the ‘Northern Chief.’ I am just now going south to New Zealand on a visit to my married son. Your letter came as an inspiration, and again has been a great help, comfort, and blessing to me. My last voyage on the ‘Northern ■
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