King's Business - 1920-04


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Chief’ was to one of the ports on our stormy west coast. In the earlier days of my trading there, I was generally privileged to take several pulpits in the large scattered circuit there; the day of my arrival on this voyage I was asked to take up the old beloved work, and again by the wonderful upholding of In­ finite God, took the Sunday evening services for three consecutive Sundays — two Sunday mornings, and two ad­ dresses to children. There are Chris­ tians praying for me in different parts of the world, and words, I think, would fail me to tell you the preciousness of knowing that your pleadings for me were also going up to the Eternal God. One of the old Christians mentioned that he felt certain of uplifting prayer on my behalf. The minister wrote me and said he thought the services would result in much spiritual good. We are so thankful for prayer. But afterwards I had long seasons of fierce conflict with Satan and the forces of evil. Your let­ ter came with such spiritual encourage­ ment and I have thanked God for it. I mention you and your work in prayer daily before God. Goodbye. All kind and disciple greetings to Mrs. Z., your co-workers and yourself. “ Yours, working and waiting for the return of our Lord. “ T. B. M.” Is it any wonder that souls are being saved and God blesses when many are praying? Bead above letter over again and put Captain T. B. Munns on your prayer list. God raised him up to do a large work and he has to stand alone al­ most, humanly speaking. Pray that he may be used largely wherever he goes. A Wireless Operator Saved One day this month a large English freighter steamed slowly into the Gol­ den Gate, dropping anchors after a long journey across stormy seas, the crew eager to see land again and, oh! what temptations are in front of the young man in a city like San Francisco! How we have often thanked God for those who made our stay in this port possible and how heavy our hearts would be, should this door be closed contrary to His will! May the day' never come when the'light of the Gospel shall be extinguished here, for it shines unto the strangers from every clime. God has been gracious and “ is able.” On this steamer every one was reached with the Gospel and what joy it was to climb to the highest deck and

talk to the dear fellow operating the wireless. He was brought up in a Chris­ tian home, a bright young fellow, but could not-say that he was a Christian. He had never had the-matter presented to him and was still in his sin. After pointing out Scripture after Scripture he showed his concern about his soul and almost startled the worker' when he said, before it was thought that the mat­ ter was made plain enough: “ Yes, I am willing to accept Christ now.” He signed the Pocket Testament decision forthwith and promised to read the Book. Saved in the Kitchen On another Australian steamer where everyone was very busy a young fellow had to be approached in the kitchen and having asked the Lord very definitely for a soul before starting on the trip around the Harbor, we felt, as soon as we saw this young fellow, that he was the answer to prayer, and although there were many interruptions, several wanting “ Gospel Books,” and some hanging around the kitchen, we did not let go of the “ answer to prayer,” .and found the leading of the Spirit to be truly of Him. He said he was a moral young fellow, and was from a good home, but on being questioned as to whether he was a Christian in the Scrip­ tural sense, he said “ I can’t say I have gone that far.” Pointing out to him the “ Lamb of God,” he accepted Christ as his own personal Savior, while com­ panions were near and looking on, and he really had to hurry afterwards to catch up with his work, which he felt could wait until this matter was settled. How good God is and how every Chris­ tian ought to win souls for Him. Have you had that joy yet? If not, you are losing the best there is in life, and should not the love of Christ constrain you, especially in view of how often so little is needed#-just a few words— to bring a soul to Christ? “ Go, today, into my vineyard,” says He who lov):i souls and wants sinners to be saved. O. ZIMMERMAN, Superintendent. ¿¡Hi, gaSji JEWISH WORK How God Called a Jewess T HE Jewish Talmud teaches that no Gentile loves the Jews, but should you find a Gentile who does love the Jews, this contradiction is explained

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