T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S faith and not by works. She began to read her Bible again with new light. She knew she had failed, but would God undertake for her, and was she still saved, even though she had failed so often? The Holy Spirit showed her that she was His all the time. She yielded herself to His control arid now she is happy in Him, and telling to others the glad Gospel of grace, MRS. T. C. HORTON, Supt. BIOLA HALL Yes—Men Can Be Beached C AN men on the streets be' attracted by the simple Gospel story in these days, of doubt and unbelief? The daily fruitage for the Lord at Biola Hall is the reply. We have no band, no sen sational notices, no wonderful singing to draw men to our entrance way. There is nothing there but a Bible chart and a man standing before it explaining its meaning in an ordinary tone of voice. Yet hundreds of men stop daily at this placé and listen attentively to the Word of God, in spite of the noise and confusion all about and the count less attractions supposed to appeal to men. Many of the men are dealt with per sonally, and during the past month the Lord has used us to win about five of them for Him every day. A Scotch Doubter Won A little Scotchman stopped in front of the chart one morning and listened to the Word, then went inside to the goon-daÿ prayer meeting. He requested prayer because of his doubts. Although not a “ down and out drunkard” he had been to Mexacali a few days before on A “ spree,” heard the testimony of a Japanese Christian woman and been brought under conviction of sin. He became afraid of death and eternity. He said, “ I want to believe, but cannot. I cannot believe in thé Virgin birth of Christ or that He was the Son of God. Every time I try to pray these and other doubts come crowding in and I can’t pray. What can I do! God knows that I want to believe but I cannot.” Though he wanted to discuss these points the worker refused, and told him that if
class, desired to have a second class in her home. This was arranged for, but the earnest desire was for a series of Bible lessons. Manifestly the invitation must come from the hostess of the sec ond class. As a direct answer to prayer, the teacher was invited to continue the classes for a long series. When this news was communicated to the little in valid woman who had first caught, the Lord’s vision for a class, she bowed her head and wept for joy, and said over and over, “ Isn’t God wonderful— isn’t He wonderful!” Hospital Ministries Calling in a hospital,, the Bible ;woman asked how the patient was, and if she were reading the Word and get ting a personal message from it? “ Oh, yes,’ ’ was the reply, “ and I want to tell you an experience with it just the other day. I had such a bad night and was all unstrung when morning came, but I let my breakfast tray stand while I turned for help to the Word. I read the eighth chapter of Romans, and how it met my need, especially the' eighteenth verse. Then I ate my breakfast. Later, I read my chapter again, and it fortified me for the day. I don’t see how any one can get away from the last two verses.” Going on down the ward, she came to a little woman to whom she had givien a Pocket Testament not long be fore. She had seemed to feel that she did not especially need it as she was Sending for her Prayer Book, hut this day she looked up smiling and said, Without waiting to be asked, “ I’m read ing my Testament every day and it is suOh a comfort. I’m getting so mucg out of it.” Later, as she turned away, the Bible woman said in her heart, “ Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jer, 15:16. An Honest Backslider A certain woman who lived in Mon tana became so discouraged with her poor miserable way of living that she had her name taken off the church rec ord, believing she was not good enough to have it there. In the meantime the ltussellites got after her and she became even more confused. Her husband in sisted upon her coming out here and spending the winter in California. For a full month she did not go to church, but one day she was asked to go to a Bible Class taught by one of our Bible women. She heard about Salvation by
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