King's Business - 1920-04

367 discuss any of the points in question. The third day he came in, a saint-of God, stood up and gave a ringing testi­ mony. All his doubts were gone. He came in every day, face shining, heart at rest. He said, ‘‘Life is so different now. I haven’t been in church for forty-five years and wouldn’t go into a mission for anything, and now I can hardly wait for the services to begin.” A week or so later he went to a hos­ pital for treatment and took many Gos­ pels and tracts with him to give to the other patients.

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S he were honest he would sincerely inves­ tigate for himself and find out the truth. He then gave the earnest old man a Gospel of John, pointing out the last verse of chapter twenty as a clew to the truth, telling him that this Gospel would dispel all the doubts if he were honest in his unbelief and would accept and confess Christ, if His Deity were proved. He took the Gospel and prom­ ised to follow the light that would be revealed to him. The next day he came in and said that some of the doubts were gone. Still the worker refused to

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