T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S Such a thing had been unknown before. Many had been so happy over baseball, dancing, billiards that they had shouted, but to shout for joy religiously was strange. Bodyguard For the Preacher The closing week I was stricken down with appendicitis and was in bed two days. As soon as the pain subsided, I started in again. Whether the devil was mad because he had not succeeded in putting me out of commission alto gether, or not, I do not know, hut the “ fun” never really began until then. They threatened to knife us, shoot us, rotten egg us, etc., and we were ordered out of the town by sun-down. Oh, it was fine. The Town Marshal swore in special deputies to protect us and keep down riot. The Lord delivered us out of their hands. They were not per mitted to hurt us or hinder the work. Sinners were being converted. The saints were being revived. The lines were being drawh between the world and the church. Men and women were taking sides. It is this that makes peo ple, who are mere religious shams, mad. We had a full day on Sunday. Twenty or more came out for Christ at the clos ing service. The letters received since from pastor and elders and members are so encouraging. The good work goes on — conversions every Sunday even in g - large attendance at Sunday services and midweek prayer meetings. Hallelujah! And It’s Still Going The pastor writes as follows: “ Sunday services are packed. Prayer meeting well attended. We are having conversions at our Sunday night meet ings. Last Sunday we had forty testi monies and four stand for Christ.” The Pastor and Evangelist rejoice to gether in the good work. It was such a joy to labor with a man who stood loyal to Christ and never wilted when the storm burst around us. God bless Brother Curtis and the elders and mem bers of the Casa Grande Presbyterian Church. We will always have them on our hearts. I was operated on successfully De cember 30. Praise God! Am gaining strength every day, and hope to begin the fight again February 22 in the Bap tist Church, San Bernardino. Thanks for prayerful interest. Please continue. When it is hard to pray, pray hardest, and we will not he ashamed before Him at His Coming. WILLIAM P. NICHOLSON.
BIGGEST BIBLE What is said to be the world’s largest Bible now is being written by hand by leading men and women of the United Kingdom. Among those who are par ticipating in the work are King George, Queen Mary, the Prince of Wales and the Cabinet Ministers. The book will contain the complete text of the authorized version from Genesis to Revelation, and there is space in it for 12,000 hand-written con tributions. It will he five feet two inches high, and three feet six inches wide. This book will he exhibited in various places, the idea being to attract support to the Bible crusade in 1921. a » m SELF-SUFFICIENCY “ Hold Thou me up and I shall be safe” (Psa. 119:117). Self-confidence is the greatest foe to spiritual progress. Many a one who has run well for a while, and made fair promise of accomplishing a worthy course, has failed, owing to the growth of an altogether unwarranted self-suf ficiency. This is, indeed, the tragedy of many a life, that, misconceiving its own powers, and misreading its own experi ences, has become proud, and has ceased to pray and to seek the constant min istry of upholding grace. The result is in every case the same— a triumph for the enemy. For, unaided, any man is altogether insufficient for the strain of life’s tests. But if the deepest desire of our souls is to walk in the way of God’s commandments, we may wtih confi dence expect Him immediately to assert Himself in answer to our call. Only let us beware of trying to take one step without His aid.— J. Stuart Holden.
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