King's Business - 1920-04

TKe CKosen People,TKe Land and4ie Book Notes Concerning the JevJs and Propnecÿ ^5^^roogOOTWW n™ <»o

Egyptian Expeditionary force. This im­ mense tower which is to overlook Jeru­ salem, is to be built of fine white stone. Around it there will be a colonnade. Prom a vestibule on the north side there will open a rest hall in Which the names of the 5,000 who made the supreme sacrifice will be carved on white tablets. How Jerusalem was Taken Sir Henry Galway recently related some very interesting details as to the manner in which Jerusalem was taken. He said that Allenby, when he came near the gates of Jerusalem determined he would not damage the holy place. He telegraphed to his government for in­ struction and was told to do what he thought best. Not satisfied, he tele­ graphed to the king who advised him to make it a matter of prayer. As a con­ sequence, Allenby assembled his staff and troops and prayers were offered for guidance under the special circum­ stances. Before the meeting separated an orderly arrived with a telephone com­ munication to the effect that the enemy had surrendered the city. Getting Ideas in California Isaac Wilkansky of the agricultural department of the Zionist world admin­ istration has been in California study­ ing the methods of the agricultural ex­ perimental stations and schools of the state with a view to applying them in Palestine. He has developed a plan for the settlement of three million Jews in Palestine in the next thirty years. There are many who believe the Jews will be settled there by the hand of the Lord before that time. Woman Suffrage in Palestine According to Jewish law a woman should not be allowed to vote. The rabbi of greatest authority in Palestine

At the last meeting of the London Jews Society it was decided to hold an exhibition representative of Palestine and Bible lands in Central Hall, West­ minster from June 10 to July 7, 1920. They are planning to make the exhibi­ tion a feature of great interest in the religious life of London next summer. Buying Land in Palestine The Zionists are starting a drive for $125,000,000, all of which is to be spent in preparing the land of Palestine for her sons and daughters who are going back soon. They have also a national fund for which collections are being made continually. The new fund is for the special purpose of buying land. When God’s time comes, they will not have to buy the land. England is the Messiah (?) The five great powers of Europe have finally agreed that Palestine shall be set apart for the experiment of the re­ creation of Jewish national life and that the experiment shall be under the direc­ tion of Great Britain. Dr. Max Nordau, the Zionist is quoted in British papers as having said: “We used to think that Messiah would be an individual person, but we can see now that he is not an individual person, but a collective thing of a large aggregate of individuals. The name of it is the English nation.” This is the utterance of the greatest leader of Zionism and shows how blind are the Zionists as a rule, to their own Scrip­ tures. Watching Over Jerusalem A great white tower is to be built on one of the spurs of the Mount of Olives, about one. and a half miles north-east of Jerusalem, as a memorial to the

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