King's Business - 1920-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S has given it as his opinion that this is the case. But the subject of woman suffrage is fast becoming a burning question there and it has been necessary to call a congress of all Jews in Pales­ tine to discuss the matter. It is said that there are many orthodox rabbis who are in favor of votes for women. Richness of the Land The world is just beginning to awake to the fact that the land God gave to Israel is the richest in the world. Al­ ready it is being reported that there is going to he a Klondike in Palestine. Authorities say that the tapping of the riches of the Dead Sea basin will prove a veritable treasure house. Coal, oil, the purest bitumen and sulphur exist there. Salt is abundant. The chloride of magnesia which enters largely into the composition of the waters of the Dead Sea has medicinal and curative properties. Jewish Missionaries to China Prominent Jews in Europe have re­ solved on a plan to educate Jewish mis­ sionaries and send them to China and Japan to preach Judaism and Jewish ideals. They say these two nations are the only places where anti-Semitism is unknown. “ The Christian world has declared war against us,” says a Jewish writer. They seem confident that they can win the Chinese and Japanese as adherents to the Jewish faith. Jewish workers have been in America trying to get help for this enterprise. Already they have young Jews studying the two languages with a view to becoming teachers in these lands. 'ds> ay? ORGANIZE—AGONIZE You remember the word of the apos­ tle Paul, “ I would have you know how greatly I agonize for you!” It is a glimpse into the strong intercessory wrestlings of the great Apostle. It is a glimpse of the crimson strand. His prayers were like the muscular conten­


tion of an athlete in grips with his an­ tagonist. “ Agonize” is not a popular word in the modern Church’s vocabu­ lary. “ Organize” appears to have the supreme place. We organize more than we agonize. We are more intent upon multiplying machinery than we are upon enriching our fundamental power. We are more eager in riveting the or­ ganization than in strengthening the organism. We are more concerned to confer with one another than we are to hold great communion with God. But it is in agonizing intercession that the real conflict in our time is to be won. Rivers of vitality have their rise in souls that are on their knees before God. The deep and mighty prayers of the Church are the real birth-pangs of the race.— Dr. J. H. Jowett. THE ONLY CURE A Scotchman in New York the other day went into a restaurant and on finding that an order of roast beef would cost him 90 cents he ejaculated: “ I’ll no pay it!” He bolted and went across the street and filled up on crackers and milk for 25 cents. Now,, if Americans would show the independence and canny common sense, that this Sotchman showed and would refuse to pay exorbitant prices they would soon bring things down to a reasonable basis. Of course all prices are bound to be high now, but there is no excuse for paying several times what a thing is worth. Remember that Scotchman when someone wants to charge you a price which you know is outrageous. Sim­ ply say: “ I won’t pay it!” Then, find some way to serve yourself at less cost; or, if necessary go without.— Path­ finder.

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