King's Business - 1920-04



HOM I L E T I C A L H E L P S Suggestive Bible Readings

F U ulness................ .............. Col. 2:9 S alvation.....................2 Tim. 2:10 — (Pickering.) Jesus A Savior (general)............Lk. 12:11 THE Savior (solitary) _____Jno. 4:42 OUR Savior (personal) .............. Tit. 1:4 MY Savior (individual) ........ Lk. 1:47 „^ (R itch ie.) Jesus John’s Four Sights of Him—Jno. 1:14 1. At the Transfiguration....:...Mk, 9:7 2. At the Crucifixion...........Jno. 19:26 3. At the Resurrection.......Jno. 21:20 4. In the Revelation........Rev. 1:16-17 r—. Ritchie. Jesus In Isa. 53, the Heart of the Old Testament 1. The Rejected One.—v. 3 (Jno. 1:11) 2. The Despised One..v. 3 (Jno. 1:46) 3. The Man of Sorrows........................... _ . . l— — 7..........v. 3 (Lk. 19:41) 4. The Grief Stricken One................ ............ v. 3 (Lk. 22:44) 5. The Sin Bearer..._v. 5 ( 1 Pet. 2:24) 6. The Pure One..v. 7 (1 Pet. 1:18-19) 7. The Meek One........v. 7 (Jno. 19:9) 8. The Condemned One....................... ................... v. 8 (Jno. 19:17) 9. The Crucified One......................... — ...................v. 8 (Jno. 19:17) 10. The Intercessor—.v. 12 (Heb. 7:25) —Beveridge. The Name in Hebrews 1. Jesus, the Son of Man.... .Heb. 2:9 2. Jesus, the High Priest.—4:14; 6:20 3s Jesus, our Surety.................... ....7:22 4. Jesus, the Way............................ 9:19 5. Jesus, Author of faith................12:2 6. Jesus, the Mediator..................12:24

Jesus J esus................... - ............ ........Mt. 1:21 E xalted.................................... Acts 2:36 S avior......................................Acts 13:123 U niversally..............................Jno. 3:16 S aves.—................................. 1 Tim. 4:10 Jesus J esus.... h!;..—.................................Lk. 1:31 E verlastingly............................-Jno. 5:24 S aves....:.................................. Heb. 7:25 U ngodly—— - ..................... Rom. 5:6 S inners.................... .......... -1 Tim. 1:15 Jesus J ustifies.................. .................Lk. 18:14 E mancipates.................................Tit. 2:14 S aves............................................Mt. 1:21 nburdens............................Mt. 11:28 atisfies............................ ;.\.ii..Jno. 4:14 Jesus 1. Exalted as Lord...............Acts 2:36 2. / Confessed as Lord— .......Rom. 10:9 3. Owned as Lord.................... Acts 9:6 4. Praised as Lord...............Psa. 9:11 5. Obeyed as Lord .............. .Col. 3:17 6. Served as Lord.................. Col. 3:24 7. Denied- as Lord..................... Jude 14 Jesus 1. Look unto Him as your example ........................................Heb. 12:2 2. Learn of Him as your teacher...... ........................................Lk. 10:39 3. Lean on Him as your strength...... .......................................S. Sol. 8:5 4. Look for Him as your hope........ ;■ ..... pm i . . 3 : 2 0 Jesus What We Have in Him J oy.........-i.....................Rom. 5:11 P E ace................................... Lk. 12:5 Re S 1 ....................................Mt. 11:28

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