King's Business - 1920-04


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S not want to say these things with our lips, but they are what our worrying proclaims. What a hideous monster worry is! Let us remember, “ God nothing does, nor suffers to be done, But thou wouldst do thyself, if thou couldst see, The end of all events as well as He.” To recognize that worry is a great sin will help greatly to stop it. Some may think that not to worry is equiva­ lent to being indifferent and careless. That is not true. There is a wide gulf between worrying and indifference. One may have a. tender solicitude for the welfare of a loved one, which is not at all inconsistent with faith in an all­ wise, all-powerful, loving God. But this is a long way from the fretful anxiety of unbelief. Borrowing a leaf from Whittier, faith can say, “ I know not where His islands lift Is there a certain cure for this ravag­ ing disease of worrying? Most assur­ edly there is. It is only for those who are children of God through faith in the atoning Blood of the Son of God. It is in Him that the promises of God are yea and amen. There, is no other Name, but the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that opens the door of God’s treasure house. The one who has not received God’s Son as his Sin-Bearer and Lord,' has no relief from God for his worry about the life that now is, nor that which is-to come, until he does so receive Christ. We cannot know Jesus Christ as our Burden-Bearer until we have first re­ ceived Him as our Sin-Bearer. What is the remedy for the child of God? In Isaiah 26:3, the Prophet writes: “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Note Their fronded palms in air; I only know I cannot drift Beyond His love and care.” The Cure For Worry

carefully these words. God keeps in perfect peace the one whose mind is stayed on Him. Our difficulty is that instead of keeping our mind stayed on God, we keep our mind stayed on our troubles. When we do this, our troubles assume immense proportions, and God seems so little. Let us reverse this process and keep our mind stayed on God, then He will appear big, as He truly is, and our troubles will dwindle to their true insignificance in compari­ son to God. This is the right procedure, Romans 8:28 is another message from God’s Word which ought to slay worry in the life of God’s children. “ And we know that all things work to­ gether for good to them-that love God.” It is not some things but all things. They may not be good in themselves but they will all work out for our good under the controlling hand of God. If we really believe this there will be no room for worry in our hearts, and we will never worry again as long as we live. Some who are not Christians try to steal this promise but believers only have a right to it. How wonderfully sweet are verses 38 and 39 of Romans 8th chapter! Here the Apostle Paul declares that nothing, — death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things present, things future, height, depth, nor any other creature, can separate us from the love of God which rests upon us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Bear in mind then that the love of God stands between you and all pos­ sible harm. Christ Our Burden-Bearer 1 Peter 5:7 is so beautifully rendered in Weymouth’s translation: “ Throw the whole of your anxiety upon Him, be­ cause He himself cares for you.” It is sad that so many who are trust­ ing in the Lord Jesus as their Sin- Bearer do not realize and practice His presence as their Burden-Bearer. In­ stead of trusting their burdens to Jesus

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