T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S self-conceit, or on selfishness or on fear or unbelief it will be engulfed in de struction some day. Living Under God’s Canopy. On the Pacific Coast there are certain melon growers that may be called Yankee in their way of doing things. The grower has six acres of melons, he covers his 876 melon hills with canopies. These canopies are made of muslin stretched over bent wires. The wires are stuck into the ground so as to stretch the muslin taut and keep the wind from blowing it away. Under these canopies the young plants grew, simply shielded from the wind and frost, while the sun’s rays were imprisoned much as a hot bed. The grower thus had melons about three weeks in advance of all competitors, which meant a small for tune to him. Israel was to live under the canopy of Jehovah, obeying His laws and commandments but they took themselves out from under His guid ance and protection by doing evil in the sight of the Lord. Ps. 91:1. The Golden Text Blustration. During the world war, London was in peril. At any moment a flying monster might appear in the air, and crashing bombs might destroy priceless build ings and invaluable lives. London was in the dark. No lights were permitted in the world’s metropolis that could point the way for a hostile Zeppelin and indicate where to strike. But London saw the stars in the midst of her trou bles. For the first time in centuries could the people see the stars. Hitherto the lights of earth have concealed the lights of heaven. It is the chastening after all that leads us to look up for heaven’s light. Subject Illustration — Life above and below. God raised Jesus— Jesus Arose— Both are True. A well-known journal is responsible for the statement that a tomato shoot has been grafted in a potato sprout, the
the young men who were in training in the various camps. Many of them failed of promotion because of the weakness and uncertainty of their voices. They had LESSON not, and seemed ILLUSTRATIONS incapable of ac- W. H. Pike quiring, ‘ ‘ t h e voice of com mand.” Now this voice of command is not a bellow; it is not a rasping shriek; it is not a fog-horn. Those who have heard it never forget it. It is crisp, vibrant, authoritative in every syllable. It is not egotistical, but it has power and the consciousness of power back of it. It is the voice that gets obedience and wins battles. Why Not Belong to the CAN Company. Now I don’t know a thing about the American Can Company. They may make better tomato cans, or sardine cans or milk cans or biscuit cans, but they have a capital name. I want to belong to a company of “ Canners”— a group of men that have cut the word can’t from their vocabulary. If we be long to the can’t company we ought to live in some far off uncivilized isle. Cer tainly every one should belong to the Can Company. Paul did. “ I CAN do all things thro’ Christ who strengtheneth me.” Joshua did, He worked in the power of Jehovah and the people did as ldng as he lived. The next genera tion joined the “ Can’t Society.” Building on Quicksand. Joshua built on the Rock Jehovah and prospered. The next generation built on their ideas which is unbelief— spir itual quicksand. A Power Plant of a cement company in New York sank about 30 feet one morning at 6 o’clock. Three laborers were killed and eight were injured. Seven hundred men were thrown out of employment. Think of a POWER plant resting on quicksand. But every one is given a soul power-plant, and if this spiritual power-plant is based on
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