King's Business - 1920-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S (4) DESTRUCTION OF SISERA, vs. 10-16. God honors servants who will give their whole hearts to His service. Barak was half-hearted. He went, but not as God commanded. Deborah went with Barak to stimu­ late his faith, and she it was that gave the command “ Up, for this is the day!” (v. 14). The battle was the Lord’s (v. 15). It must always be His. God fights from heaven (ch. 5:20). “ They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” The elements combined,— rain, hail, swollen streams,— swept them away. Sisera fled, but God followed him in his retreat and sent him to the tent of Jael. God delivered Sisera into the hands of a woman (v. 9). How will the slaying of Sisera be jus­ tified? On the basis of God’s own Word. He is the Ruler. He is the au­ thority. God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice (1 Sam. 15:18). “ And the Lord sent thee on a jour­ ney, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.” Here, God pronounces judgment and Jael executes it. Honor came to Jael that might have been Barak’s. Jael was as essential as Barak and his army. Someone must execute the laws of God. He uses individuals. He uses nations. David slew Goliath and we sing his praise. God honors faith because faith honors God. There are two ways in which God punishes: (1) He withdraws His pro­ tection. (2) He permits the enemy to assault. Read this wonderful song of Debo­ rah’s in Chapter 5, vs. 3-11; give the result of the victory— the restoration of Israel’s faith, and the bringing of the nation back to Jehovah. Ys. 12-21,-—- the account of the battle and the means


by which victory was gained. Ys. 22-31, — a description of the fate of those who oppose God. PRACTICAL POINTS. ( 1) In a crisis Israel cried unto God. (2) Whom God judges to be fit, is best fitted to judge. (3) The command of God carries a cer­ tificate of success. (4) The woman and the warrior had each their place. (5) When the hour of deliverance ar­ rived,, the hosts of the Deliverer as­ sembled. (6) God honors faith, for faith honors God. Subject Illustration*—Trouble. One is unlikely to make an automo­ bile journey of any considerable length without meeting the sign DETOUR placed prohibitingly in the center of the road. It means LESSON .that the road ILLUSTRATIONS ahead is being re- W. H. Pike paired and that traveling over it is forbidden. Going in the direction of the arrow you pass through all kinds of rough experiences; slump holes, ruts, rocks and sand. If you get through without a mishap you congratulate yourself. So in life, because of sin, ignorance and unbelief we run up against the “ détour” sign and pass into some chastening experiences, but we re­ pent, confess and trust and in due time find ourselves again on the main road of God’s will. This is one of the de­ tours in Israel’s history. Troubles a blessing. “ You can imagine thistledown,” said Henry Ward Beecher, “ so light that when you run after it, your running mo­ tion would drive it away from you, and that the more you tried to catch it the faster it would fly from your grasp. And it should be so with every man, that, when he is chased by troubles,

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