T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S engage in Gospel meetings. I did not have the means but received the assur ance, in prayer, that I must make ready for the journey. With my suit-case packed I started for the train and be fore I reached the station a stranger presented me with a round-trip ticket from Los Angeles, Cal., to Chicago, 111., good for eight months. While on this journey I preached in several cities and led many to accept Christ.—E. L. H. Golden Text Illustration. A gentleman was recently investigat ing farming methods in California and discovered a novel way of plowing. “ One day,” so he says, “ in the vine country I heard a tremendous bang, bang, bang. Thinking some dreadful explosion had occurred— my host told me with a laugh, that his men were merely plowing with dynamite, and ex plained that when it was desired to loosen up the soil at a depth of three feet or so, dynamite cartridges were set in the earth and fired off. These beau tifully broke up the ground, and what was equally important, destroyed the phyllosera, the bane of the vine grower. God often deals that way with a human life, shaking it to pieces by the dyna mite of trouble and saving the soul from the phyllosera of sin. v. 4. And Deborah. There arises now in Israel a prophetess, one of those rare women whose souls burn with en thusiasm and holy purpose when the hearts of men COMMENTS FROM are abject and MANY SOURCES despondent. I n Keith L. Brooks vain she looked for a leader, a man of God to rekindle a flame in the nation’s heart. A flame! It was her own soul. She might wake it in their souls. Jehovah helping her, she would. — Bible Exp. The name means “ the word” . It is the Word alone which can
they, chasing shall raise him higher and higher.” Making Trouble For Ourselves. 1 It will be remembered that Captain Phillip, of the “ Texas” , declared after the Santiago victory, that the side which fired the first shot in a Sunday battle has always been defeated. The fact that Admiral Cervera deliberately se lected the hour when the crews of the American ships were at religious service to make his dash out of Santiago har bor on that now historic Sab,bath morn ing, probably had in the providence of God, more to do with his overthrow than the world at large imagines. As though to disturb the Almighty at His devotions, the impious Spaniards, be fuddled with wine, rushed forth, as it proved, horriby to die or finally to be captured. And when the sun set that Sabbath its reproachful beams slanted across the smoking hulks of Cervera’s proud fleet. “ The stars in their courses fought against Sisera,” and the stars fought against Cervera. Faith Surmounts Difficulties. A certain art dealer became finan cially involved, and his creditors set ap praisers to work taking an inventory of his stock. The art dealer had ordered the stock at a sum amply sufficient to pay all his debts, but he became terribly a,fraid that his estimate was too high, and that fear, together with the shame of being thought insolvent, led him to take his own life. One hour after his death the appraisers made their report Showing that the man was perfectly sol vent, that his actual assets were double his present liabilities and any that might accrue within the next six months. If his faith had been strong enough to have held on one hour more he would have been alive and hopeful. It takes faith to win life’s battles. Modern Guidance Like Deborah’s. On one occasion I was led to make a journey of over two thousand miles to
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