340 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Why not put our hand in His and have the joy daily, hourly, of walking with Himself along The Radiant Way?—T. C. H. GETTING MONET Under False Pretenses “ The Presbyterian” is a good, sound Protestant paper, and has what every evangelical paper should have, the courage of conviction. In a re- C6Ilt • ? iDCr1ominentSprotestant minister has been giving a series of talks upon the BibleP Excerpts from these addresses have been published m papers of his city, the Bible. Excerpts rrom iues because 0f their destructive character. Among i i N I j a M K i f «^ rid icu lou s The only view in which intelligence can receive them is as alle- lories It °ra lso Lserted that the early writers were unscientific believing that the world was made in six days, that it was flat, and that the sun and moon moved B S v 1 aii thiq mistake and error— a human husk m which the kernel of divine truth may be found. The preacher is reported to have said there were i?rreco“ cnaWe discrepancies in the New Testament, and other like criticisms of the Bible as being largely a human hook.” TM-myiinent We wish The Presbyterian had published the name of this prominent humbug. We wonder where the red-blooded fathers and mothers are, who will sit idly by and permit their children to he hoodwinked, their faith under mined, the Word of God maligned and the Lord Jesus Christ who set His seal to the truth of the Old Testament Scriptures villified. Where are_ the church officials who permit a renegade of this character to violate his minis terial vow, vaunt his professed scholarship in their presence, and then pay him for the performance? Are there no men and women in that church to utter a cry of protest? No one hold enough to rise m the midst of such blasphemy and demand that the preacher he arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses? , • „ Why should we not pray that God would save the innocent by paralyzing the tongues of these hypocritical higher critics? T. C. H. THEOLOGIANS DENY— Glie Government Affirms In Romans 3 :12 are found these words: ‘ ‘ There is none that doeth good; there is not so much as one.” ic, Some good intending theologians deny this. They tell us that there is at least a spark of good in every man, hut the Bible says “ No, not one. Ask some official, “ Are there not some good honest men?” and they will reply, “ We hope so, we trust so, but we operate upon the supposition that there are none.” . The law is framed on the basis that every man is a potential law breaker and officials themselves are not free from this attitude of the law. So laws are enacted to include the officials of thef law, for law-makers ^are often law-breakers. Paul had sense enough to include himself m the _no, not one” and said, “ I know that in me, that is in my old nature, there dwelleth no good thing.”
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