T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S to fight the people of Israel. God knew He could trust Deborah so He had told her all about this big army, and right away Deborah sent' for a man named Barak and told him that God wanted him to take a lot of men of the people of Israel as soldiers and go out and fight against the great army of men and chariots that were coming to fight them. Barak knew about the big army and the great strong chariots of iron in the other army, and he was afraid to go out to fight them for he did not have a big army of soldiers and no chariots, and said he would not go unless Deborah would go with him. Now what do you think this brave woman did when she knew all about the big army and iron chariots and she only a woman who was not as strong as the men? Yes, indeed, she told Barak she would go, for God had told her about the big army and how He (God) would be with the people of Israel and overcome the big army with their chariots of iron. De borah knew God was on their side and when God is on our side there is no army big enough to stand against Him. What a noble act it was of Deborah to help Barak the leader of the army of Israel. When the leader of the great army of men and chariots heard that Barak and his men were gathered to gether, he started for the place where Barak and his men were. Brave De borah called to Barak and told him that the day had come when he was to take his soldiers and go out against the enemy army, and when Barak and his army started toward the enemy, God made the enemy afraid, and you know soldiers that are afraid cannot fight, so Barak and his army soon overcame the big army with its hundreds of iron chariots, and so because Deborah was brave and willing to go with Barak the great battle was won. Deborah was not the leader of the army but her faith and bravery cheered Barak and his sol diers, so you see even if we cannot do
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some things ourselves we can help like Deborah. So, boys and girls, we have so many chances to help in the home, at school and in the Sunday School. ( See Judges 4:1-3.) We know the reason help came to Israel was because they prayed to God. I wonder how many of us pray? Some people pray only when they are in trouble, but God says we ought always to pray. That is the way to have God as our helper, and that is our memory verse for today. Let us say it together: “ God is my helper.” Closing Prayer: Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Thy love and help, and show us how we can be helpers every day. SUICIDES INCREASING The recent report tabulates 5,T21 cases of suicide in the' United States during 1919. Of the professions, law yers led the list with forty-three, of whom twelve were judges; thirty-six victims were physicians; twenty-eight teachers, and eleven clergymen. The list included twenty presidents of large business concerns and fifty prominent club members, millionaires and the wealthy society women. Unhappy mari tal relations were responsible for 350 tragedies. Men outnumbered women, 2,987 to 1,657, but of the child suicides 152 were girls and 225 boys.
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